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Campground Wash Loop Route
Hiking Around Las Vegas, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
campground wash loop
campground wash route
Trailhead (view W)


A number of nice use-trails have become established in the Red Rock Canyon Campground Area. The Campground Wash Loop Trail (1.54 miles round trip) runs west from the public trailhead and drops into Red Rock Wash. The route runs up the wash below cliffs to a break in the cliffs, climbs above the cliffs on a use-trail, and loops back to the trailhead following old roads and use-trails. Except for getting into and out of the wash, this loop is flat and easy with broad expansive views. After hiking this loop, consider hiking one of the other short or long loops in the campground area.

This hike is nice because it is close to town and not on the Scenic Loop Drive. This makes it free, a quick little get away from town, and it minimizes time driving to and from the trailhead.

Link to map.

Campground Wash Trail
Trailhead sign and area rules (view W)

Watch Out

Other than the standard warnings about hiking in the desert, ...this hike is about as safe as hiking in the desert can be, but don't get too close to the edge of the cliffs because the edge is unstable.

While hiking, please respect the land and the other people out there, and please try to Leave No Trace of your passage. Also, even though this hike is short and close to civilization, be sure to bring what you need of the 10 Essentials.

Note that bicycles are not allowed in this area, dogs on leash are okay, and be sure to pick up your dog poop.

Campground Wash Trail
Hiker entering the trailhead gate (view W)

Getting to the Trailhead

This hike is located in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, about 30 minutes from town, but not on the Scenic Loop Road. Drive out West Charleston Blvd to Moenkopi Road and turn left towards Red Rock Campground.

For non-campers, drive south on Moenkopi Road about 0.3 miles to Moenkopi Road Trailhead (Moenkopi Road Recreation Site parking area). Park here; this is the trailhead.

For campers, continue south into the campground, park at your campsite, then walk out into the desert and pick up the trails.

Campground Wash Trail
Hiker starting on the trail (view W)

The Hike

From the trailhead (Table 1, Wpt. 01), two trails run west across a flat, sparsely vegetated area. The Campground Wash Loop Trail is a loop, so hikers can walk in either direction, but as described here, this hike takes the right trail.

Heading west, hikers shortly arrive at an old road (Wpt. 02) that (relative to the trails) cuts diagonally across the area. Following the old road northwest, the road quickly runs down over the edge of the cliffs and cuts across the slope into the bottom of Red Rock Wash. (Wpt. 03).

In Red Rock Wash, the route runs up the wash following along under cliffs on the edge of the wash. The larger trees in the wash are desert willow, not a true willow, but they get long narrow leaves similar to true willows. The more common shrubs are desert almond and black-banded rabbitbrush, and there are a few Mojave yucca and Eastern Joshua trees about.

Campground Wash Trail
Note: this is a dogs-on-leash and no-bikes area (view W)

At the end of the cliffs (Wpt. 04) on the left, a side-wash comes in from the south. On the far side of the side-wash, the trail cuts steeply up the bank. The trail runs up across the hillside, crosses back over the side-wash, and runs somewhat steeply up a hillside to a trail junction (Wpt. 05) at the top of the bluffs. The trail to the right runs south to climb Fire Station Hill, but the Campground Wash Loop Trail turns left and runs north back towards Red Rock Wash.

Near the edge of the cliffs above Red Rock Wash, the trail bends right to run east. The trail quickly turns into an old two-track road, which is followed east toward the trailhead. The old road runs far enough from the edge of the cliffs to be quite safe, but spots along the edge (Red Rock Wash Overlook in particular) invite closer inspection and nice views. The edge is not entirely stable, so don't get too close.

Campground Wash Trail
Two trails leave the trailhead; stay right (view W)

Above the cliffs, the vegetation is typical Mojave Desert Scrub habitat type with lots of creosote bush and white bursage, plus Nevada ephedra, spiny menodora, and galleta grass. Also watch for beavertail cactus and cottontop cactus.

Continuing east past Red Rock Wash Overlook, the two-track road fades into a single-track trail, and before long closes the loop when it intersects the diagonal road (Wpt. 02) passed earlier. Hikers will see that the trail to the left runs over the edge towards Red Rock Wash, while the right crosses the old road and continues to the east.

Before long, parked vehicles come into view as hikers return to the trailhead (Wpt. 01).

Campground Wash Trail
Staying right on the Campground Flats Loop Trail (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
The two trails run parallel (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Eventually the left trail is farther away (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Approaching an old road (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Outbound route stays right onto the old trail (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Old road bends to cut down across the cliff (view W)
Campground Wash Trail
Old road descends towards Red Rock Wash (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Blooming Desert Willow along the old road (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Old road descends towards Red Rock Wash (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Old road disappears into Red Rock Wash (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker departing the old road and heading up the wash (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Hikers will find use-trails in some places (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
The use-trails disappear into the gravel wash too (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker in the gravel wash (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
The wash follows the base of high cliffs (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
The cliffs are eroding and unstable (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Top of the cliff in the bottom of the wash (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker resting in the shade (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Hawk or Raven stick-nest on the cliff
Campground Wash Trail
Evidence that the nest was recently used
Campground Wash Trail
Hiking in the shade when possible (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiking in the sun most of the time (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail Campground Wash Trail
Campground Wash Trail Campground Wash Trail
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker in the wash (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker approaching the last of the cliffs (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Beyond the cliffs, a trail climbs the hillside (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker exiting the main wash into a side wash (view SW)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker exiting the wash (view S)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker exiting the wash (view S)
Campground Wash Trail
The use-trail climbs somewhat steeply for a short distance (view S)
Campground Wash Trail
The use-trail climbs somewhat steeply for a short distance (view S)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail levels out (view SE)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail levels out (view SE)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail crosses back across the side wash (view SE)
Campground Wash Trail
The use-trail climbs somewhat steeply again (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail junction at the top of the slope (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Campground Wash Trail stays left (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail runs back towards Red Rock Wash (view N)
Campground Wash Trail
Continuing back towards Red Rock Wash (view N)
Campground Wash Trail
Near the edge of Red Rock Wash, the trail bends right (view N)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail follows another old road above Red Rock Wash (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail above Red Rock Wash (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker approaching Red Rock Wash overlook (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Red Rock Wash overlook; note the undercut edge (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Red Rock Wash overlook (view W)
Campground Wash Trail
Red Rock Wash overlook (view N)
Campground Wash Trail
Red Rock Wash overlook (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
The old-road trail continues past Red Rock Wash overlook (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail continues to run above Red Rock Wash (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail continues to run above Red Rock Wash (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Trail comes to look like a single-track trail (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Closing the loop, the trail crosses the old road (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
The trail continues across open desert flats (view E)
Campground Wash Trail
The trail continues across open desert flats (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
The trailhead comes into view (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker returning to the trailhead (view NE)
Campground Wash Trail
Hiker entering the trailhead gate (view NE)

Table 1. Hiking Coordinates Based on GPS Data (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download Hiking GPS Waypoints (*.gpx) file.

Wpt. Location UTM Easting UTM Northing Elevation (ft) Point-to-Point Distance (mi) Cumulative Distance (mi)
01 Trailhead Parking 644631 4000635 3,455 0.00 0.00
02 Trail Junction 644374 4000552 3,470 0.17 0.17
03 Red Rock Wash 644239 4000474 3,448 0.10 0.27
04 Gully Past Cliffs 643764 4000025 3,495 0.44 0.71
05 Trail Junction 643890 3999941 3,563 0.14 0.85
02 Trail Junction 644374 4000552 3,470 0.52 1.37
01 Trailhead Parking 644631 4000635 3,455 0.17 1.54

Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 250122

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