Approaching a crazy intersection (view W) |

Two lanes right to Mt. Charleston (view W) |

Stoplight at the crazy intersection (view W) |

Of the two right lanes, right lane becomes exit only (view NW) |

Merge left into one lane to Mt. Charleston (view NW) |

Hard to tell where to go: hope for the best - go straight (view NW) |

The middle lane seems to be the lane to Mt. Charleston (view W) |

Approaching Frontage Road (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road "park and ride" is now blocked off (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road "park and ride" is probably gone forever |

Sign: speed limit 55 mph |

Sign: Campgrounds 17 miles; Mt Charleston Village 19 miles |

Sign: No gas available on mountain (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Rd; low-elevation Mojave Desert Scrub |

Kyle Canyon Road in the low desert Mojave Desert Scrub |

Kyle Canyon Road in the low desert Mojave Desert Scrub |

Kyle Canyon Road, fire danger sign |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching Red Rock Canyon NCA boundary sign |

Kyle Canyon Rd at Red Rock Canyon NCA boundary sign |

Red Rock Canyon NCA boundary sign (view W) |

Red Rock Canyon NCA boundary sign (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road, dropping into Kyle Wash (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road in the low desert Mojave Desert Scrub |

Kyle Canyon Road in Kyle Wash (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road in Kyle Wash (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road in Kyle Wash (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road in Kyle Wash; hoodoos on left (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road in Kyle Wash (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road in Kyle Wash (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road leaving Red Rock Canyon NCA (view W) |

Red Rock Canyon NCA boundary sign (looking back, view W) |

Red Rock Canyon NCA boundary sign (looking back, view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Spring Mountains NRA boundary sign |

Kyle Canyon Road at Spring Mountains NRA boundary sign (view W) |

Spring Mountains NRA boundary sign (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching uphill chain-up area (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Rd at downhill chain-up area (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching Harris Springs Road sign (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Rd at Harris Springs Road sign (view W) |

Sign: Harris Springs Road (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching Harris Springs Road (at left) |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching Harris Springs Road (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Harris Springs Road (view S) |

Past Harris Springs Road, road enters Carpenter One Fire zone |

Trees on both sides of the road burned in Carpenter One Fire |

Sign: watch for wildlife on the road (view W) |

Sign: watch for wildlife on the road (view W) |

Carpenter One Fire results are patchy on the edge (view SW) |

Carpenter One Fire results: most trees died here (view SW) |

Pinyon-Juniper Woodland after Carpenter One Fire (view W) |

Sign: winding curves ahead (view W) |

Edge of the Carpenter One Fire, at least along the road (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road beyond the
Carpenter One Fire (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road; getting to the tall-tree zone |

Kyle Canyon Road at Lower Telephone Canyon Trailhead (arrow) |

Kyle Canyon Road (Fletcher Peak on the left) |

Kyle Canyon Road begins divided highway (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road with wide median strip (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road back to narrow median strip (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching round-about (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road at round-about (view W) |

Entering round-about, visitor center is 3/4-ths around (view SW) |

Kyle Canyon Road entering round-about (view NW) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Step Ladder Trailhead Road (view NW) |

Kyle Canyon Road in round-about (view NW) |

Step Ladder Trailhead Road (view N from Kyle Canyon Road) |

Kyle Canyon Road stays straight through round-about (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road stays straight through round-about (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road exiting the round-about (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road at The Resort on Mount Charleston, on left |

Kyle Canyon Road (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Deer Creek Road (view W) |

Deer Creek Road (view N from Kyle Canyon Road) |

Kyle Canyon Road enters the Ponderosa Pine Forest |

Kyle Canyon Road (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Kyle Canyon Picnic Area sign (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Kyle Canyon Campground |

Kyle Canyon Campground (view S from Kyle Canyon Road) |

Sign: caution -- pedestrians on roadway (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Fletcher Canyon Trailhead (view W) |

Approaching Fletcher Canyon Trailhead overflow parking (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Fletcher Canyon Trail sign (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Fletcher Canyon overflow parking, on left |

Kyle Canyon Road at Fletcher Trailhead overflow parking (view SW) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Fletcher Canyon Trail crosswalk |

Kyle Canyon Rd at Fletcher Canyon Trail: watch for hikers crossing! |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching main Fletcher Canyon Trailhead parking |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching main Fletcher Canyon Trailhead parking |

Kyle Canyon Road at main Fletcher Canyon Trail parking |
Main Fletcher Canyon Trail parking (view S from
Kyle Canyon Road) |

Kyle Canyon Road (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Fletcher View Campground sign (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Fletcher View Campground (view W) |

Fletcher View Campground (view S from Kyle Canyon Road) |

Kyle Canyon Road at 7,000-foot elevation sign |

Kyle Canyon Road (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Rainbow Subdivision (private property) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Rainbow Canyon Blvd (at left) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Rainbow Canyon Blvd (at left) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Ponderosa Pine Drive (at left) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Ponderosa Pine Drive (at left) |

Kyle Canyon Road with good view of Cathedral Rock |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Stanley B Springs Trailhead |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Stanley B Springs Trailhead |

Kyle Canyon Road at Stanley B Springs Trailhead |

Stanley B Springs Trailhead (view N from Kyle Canyon Road) |

Speed drop from 35 to 25 mph |

Kyle Canyon Road |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Old Town |

Kyle Canyon Road at Old Town (elementary school at left) |

Watch for driveways entering onto the highway |

Watch for a fire station |

Approaching main turn into Old Town (note public library sign) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Old Town fire station |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching main turn into Old Town |

Kyle Canyon Road at Old Town fire station |

Kyle Canyon Road continues past Old Town (view NW) |

Kyle Canyon Road |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Echo Road (view NW) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Echo Road (view NW) |

Directional sign at intersection (view NW) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Echo Road (view NW) |

Kyle Canyon Road crosses bridge over Kyle Wash (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road leaving the hairpin turn (view S) |

Kyle Canyon Road climbs after the hairpin turn (view SE) |

Kyle Canyon Road (view SE) |

Kyle Canyon Road |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Cathedral Rock Trail overflow parking |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching a public pullout, on the left (view SE) |

Kyle Canyon Road passing condo units (view S) |

Approaching the Mt. Charleston Lodge area (view E) |

Entering the Mt. Charleston Lodge area (view E) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Cathedral Rock Trailhead Road |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Cathedral Rock Trailhead Road |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching Cathedral Rock Trailhead Rd (view E) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Cathedral Rock Trailhead road sign (view E) |

Cathedral Rock Trailhead sign (view SE from Kyle Canyon Road) |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching Cathedral Rock Trailhead Rd (view E) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Cathedral Rock Trailhead Road |

Cathedral Rock Trailhead sign (view SE) |

Kyle Canyon Rd approaching Mt. Charleston Lodge (on left) |

Kyle Canyon Rd at Mt. Charleston Lodge sign (view E) |

Kyle Canyon Rd at Mt. Charleston Lodge entrance (view E) |

Mt. Charleston Lodge restaurant burned in 2021 (view NE) |

Mt. Charleston Lodge restaurant burned in 2021 (view N) |

Kyle Canyon Road forks onto one-way turn-around loop (view E) |

Kyle Canyon Road stays right into turn-around loop (view E) |

Kyle Canyon Road approaching Cathedral Rock Picnic Area (view E) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Cathedral Rock Picnic Area (view SE) |

Cathedral Rock Picnic Area (view S from Kyle Canyon Road) |

Kyle Canyon Road at Cathedral Rock Picnic Area sign (view SE) |

Cathedral Rock Picnic Area sign (view SE) |

Entrance to Cathedral Rock Picnic Area (view S) |

Fee booth at entrance to Cathedral Rock Picnic Area (view S) |

Fee schedule: poor people not wanted here (view S) |

Kyle Canyon Road loops back to the left (view NE) |

Kyle Canyon Road loops back to the left (view N) |

Kyle Canyon Road loops back past cell phone tower (view NW) |

Kyle Canyon Road loops back towards the Lodge (view W) |

Kyle Canyon Road returns to two-way traffic (view W) |