Info signs at Kiosk Parking Lot (view NW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching exit from Kiosk Parking Lot (view W) |

Gold Butte Road directional sign (view W) |

Gold Butte Road directional sign (view W) |

Historical Landmark: the "blue barn" (now gone; view W) |

Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road with trees along the river (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road with open desert above the river (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road at Government Spring Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Bundy Ranch (view SW) |

Gold Butte Rd overlooking Bundy Ranch (the green fields; view SW) |

Bundy Ranch doing a big BBQ? (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Bundy Ranch Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road at Bundy Ranch Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road at Bundy Ranch sign (view SW) |

Bundy Ranch sign (view SW) |

Bundy Ranch Road (view NW from Gold Butte Road) |

Bundy Ranch sign at sunset (view W) |

Historic Bundy Melon Ranch sign (view SW) |

This is the way to Aravada Springs Resort (view SW) |

Continuing past Bundy Ranch Road (view SW) |

At work in the Bundy hayfield - ranching is hard work |

At work in the Bundy hayfield - ranching is hard work |

Private residences along the Virgin River (view W) |

Driveway to residence along the Virgin River (view W) |

Ostrich, then goat, now empty ranch along the river (view N) |

Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Road climbs steeply to a sharp, blind curve to the right (view S) |

Approaching caution sign: "Slow Blind Curve Ahead" (view S) |

Caution sign: "Slow Blind Curve Ahead" (view S) |

Caution sign: "Slow Blind Curve Ahead" (view S) |

Approaching sharp, blind curve right (view S) |

Entering the sharp, blind curve right (view SW) |

Rounding the sharp, blind curve right (view SW) |

Exiting the sharp, blind curve right (view SW) |

Virgin River farms area, on the right, along Gold Butte Road |

Always watch for cows on the road -- especially at night! |

Approaching curve and washed-out pavement (view SW) |

100 yards of washed-out pavement (view SW) |

Watch for oncoming traffic on tight, narrow curves ahead! |

Approaching narrow crest of a hill (view SW) |

Caution: I got run off the road here (view SW) |

Approaching area information sign |

Area information kiosk |

Area information sign |

Approaching caution sign (view W) |

Caution and Gold Butte Back Country Byway signs (view W) |

Caution sign (view W) |

Caution signs (view W) |

One of many "National Back Country Byway" road signs |

Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Grand scenery along the road (view S) |

Grand scenery along the road (view S) |

The asphalt washes out here (view SW) |

Swing wide to the right on this blind curve (view SW) |

Descending again towards the Virgin River (view SW) |

Starting across the open desert (view SW) |

Crossing open desert heading for the next curve (view SW) |

Approaching curve and washed-out pavement (view SW) |

Approaching caution sign: slow, curve ahead sign (view SW) |

Caution sign: slow, curve ahead sign (view SW) |

Caution sign: slow, curve ahead sign (view SW) |

Entering curve and washed-out pavement (view SW) |

Starting onto 300 yards of washed-out pavement (view SW) |

Finishing 300 yards of washed-out pavement (view SW) |

Beyond the washed-out pavement (view S) |

Vehicle at Virgin River Valley Overlook Campsites (view SW) |

GB Road at Virgin River Valley Overlook Camp Road (view S) |

Virgin River Valley Overlook Camp Road (view W from GB Rd) |

Approaching a short side road (view S) |

Short side road to nowhere makes an acceptable campsite (view S) |

Climbing into the hills (view SE) |

Sunset from Gold Butte Road (view W from roadside) |

Gold Butte Road approaching information sign (view SE) |

Sign: Gold Butte Area of Critical Environmental Concern (view SE) |

Along bluffs overlooking a wash (view S) |

Virgin Peak comes back into view (view SE) |

Approaching a caution sign (view SE) |

Desert Tortoise crossing and Gold Butte Back Country Byway sign |

Following along more bluffs next to a wash (view SE) |

Following along bluffs next to a wash (view SE) |

Approaching Juanita Springs oasis (view SE) |

Approaching Juanita Springs oasis (view SE) |

Juanita Springs oasis (view SE) |

Approaching Juanita Springs Ranch Road (view S) |

Seasonal sign at Juanita Springs Ranch (view S) |

Seasonal sign (April Fool's Day) at Juanita Springs Ranch (view S) |

Approaching entrance to Juanita Springs Ranch (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at Juanita Springs Ranch Road (view SW) |

Juanita Springs Ranch Road (view W) |

The Juanita Springs Ranch folks like their privacy (view W) |

Juanita Springs Oasis sign (view W) |

Bumps and potholes just past Juanita Springs gate (view S) |

Approaching "Local Color" signs (view SW) |

Local color: Ney's Sign on private property along Gold Butte Rd |

Local color: Ney's Sign on private property along Gold Butte Rd |

Caution: watch for desert tortoises on the road (view SE) |

Caution: watch for desert tortoises on the road (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road with potholes (view S) |

Little Virgin Peak ahead (view SE) |

Looking ahead towards Big and Little Virgin Peaks (view SE) |

Approaching Little Virgin Wash Rd and Gold Butte Boundary sign |

Gold Butte Road at Little Virgin Wash Road (view S) |

Approaching temporary Gold Butte Boundary sign (view S) |

Gold Butte Boundary sign (view S) |

Gold Butte boundary sign (view SE) |

Everyone stops at the boundary sign for a group photo (view S) |

"Big" Virgin Peak (view SE from boundary sign) |

Little Virgin Peak ahead (view S from boundary sign; zoom) |

Gold Butte Road departing the boundary sign (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road starting up over Little Virgin Pass (view SE) |

Approaching National Back Country Byway sign (view SE) |

National Back Country Byway sign, Mile Post 12 (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road (view SE) |

Approaching Key West Spring Road (view SE) |

Key West Spring Road (view SE from Gold Butte Road) |

Road climbs along base of Little Virgin Peak (view SE) |

Crossing over Little Virgin Pass (view S) |

Approaching Little Virgin Peak Trailhead at toe of ridge (view S) |

Approaching Little Virgin Peak Trailhead (view S) |

Little Virgin Peak trailhead on road shoulder (view S) |

Vehicle at Little Virgin Peak trailhead (view S) |

Descending past Little Virgin Peak trailhead (view S) |

Gold Butte Road descending towards Fisherman Cove Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Fisherman Cove Road (view S) |

Fisherman Cove Road sign (view S)

Fisherman Cove Road sign (view S) |

Gold butte Road at Fisherman Cove Road (view SW) |

Fisherman Cove Road (view SW from Gold Butte Road) |

Fisherman Cove Road sign (view SW; sign missing since 2015) |

Fisherman Cove information sign during summer (view S) |

Fisherman Cove Road information sign during summer (view SW) |

Fisherman Cove information sign after a winter storm (view S) |

Fisherman Cove information sign after a winter storm (view S) |

Gold Butte Road continues (view S) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Gravel Pit Campsite Road (view S) |

Gravel Pit Campsite Road (view NE from Gold Butte Road) |

Sunrise at the Gravel Pit campsite (view W) |

Gold Butte Road on long, rolling flats; notice rough pavement |

Tall Mojave Yucca along the road |

Bundy trespass cattle: road hazards -- especially at night! |

Starving Bundy trespass cattle: is this animal abuse? |

Bundy trespass cattle: road hazards |

Bundy trespass cattle: road hazards -- especially at night! |

Bundy cattle: how many sets of eyeshine do you see? |

Tall Mojave Yucca along the road |

Feral Burros along Gold Butte Road (view SE) |

Side road parallels GB Road and eventually returns to the pavement |

Caution: watch for desert tortoises on the roadway (view SE) |

Whitney Pocket on the horizon (view SE) |

Parallel road returns to Gold Butte Road (view SE) |

Approaching first of the sandstone crags (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Black Butte Road (Falling Man Road) |

Gold Butte Road at Black Butte Road (Falling Man Road; view SE) |

Black Butte Road (Falling Man Road; view S from Gold Butte Road) |

Approaching First Rock Campsite area (view S) |

Cell phone parking lot, on the right (view S) |

Cell phones usually work here, especially Verizon phones (view S) |

Approaching First Rock Campsite area (view S) |

Approaching First Rock Campsite area (view S) |

Gold Butte Road, approaching road to First Rock campsites (view E) |

Whitney Pocket in the distance; notice smooth pavement (view E) |

Gold Butte Road approaching First Rock Campsites Road (view E) |

First Rock Campsites Road (view W from Gold Butte Road) |

Whitney Pocket in the distance; more smooth pavement (view E) |

Whitney Pocket in the distance (view SE) |

Whitney Pocket in the distance (view E) |

Side road to nowhere at last curve before Whitney Pocket (view E) |

Side road at last curve before Whitney Pocket (view E) |

Approaching main Whitney Pocket area (view S) |

Always watch for temporary traffic signs (left after flashflood) |

Approaching sandstone crags of Whitney Pocket (view SE) |

Approaching Whitney Pocket (view SE) |

Approaching Whitney Pocket (view SE) |

Looking back at first campsite at Whitney Pocket, proper (view W) |

End of the pavement at Whitney Pocket |

Whitney Pocket destination sigh with directions to other areas |