Caution signs, although the main roads don't normally require 4x4 |

Rough road surface beyond Whitney Pocket |

Approaching Gold butte Back Country Byway Sign (view S) |

Approaching Gold butte Back Country Byway Sign (view S) |

Not-so-rough road surface (view S) |

Rough road surface (view SW) |

Smooth road surface (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching a small campsite (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road at a small campsite (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching a small campsite (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road at a campsite (view SW) |

Campsite on original GB Road (view SW) |

Cattle guard; note campsite on the right (view SW) |

Stormy sunrise at old fenceline (view W) |

Two survey markers by fence |

Survey marker for cattle guard; 1948 |

Survey marker for Gold Butte Cattle Co. Fence; 1948 |

Gold Butte Road Cattle Guard campsite (view W) |

Dropping into Mud Wash Valley (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road (view SE) |

Approaching at intersection with Mud Wash North Road (view SE) |

Sign at Mud Wash North Road (view SE) |

Sign at Mud Wash North Road (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Mud Wash North Road (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Mud Wash North Road (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road at Mud Wash North Road (view S) |

Mud Wash North Road (view SW from Gold Butte Road) |

Mud Wash North Road (view SW from Gold Butte Road) |

Gold Butte Road at minor side road right (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road at minor side road right (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road (view SE) |

Watch Out! Desert Tortoise on edge of road (view S) |

Big, healthy male Desert Tortoise |

Road grader cleaning up Gold Butte Road after a storm (view S) |
Dropping into Wechech Basin (view S) |

Crossing Wechech Basin towards Tramp Ridge (view S) |

Crossing Wechech Basin towards Tramp Ridge (view S) |

Crossing Wechech Basin towards Tramp Ridge (view S) |

Crossing Wechech Basin towards Tramp Ridge (view S) |

Spectacular sunsets in Wechech Basin (view W) |

Approaching Mud Wash Road (view S) |

Road sign approaching intersection (view S) |

Road sign approaching intersection (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at Mud Wash Road (view S) |

Mud Wash Road (view W from Gold Butte Road) |

Tramp-and-Fork Fire info sign just past Mud Wash Rd (view S) |
Info sign: 2005 Tramp and Fork Fires (vandalized with bullets) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Scenery (Mud Hills) along Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Approaching Mud Hills Corral on left (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at Mud Hills Corral on left (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Backcountry Byway sign (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road approaching St. Thomas Gap Road sign (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at St. Thomas Gap Road sign (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at St. Thomas Gap Road sign (view S) |

St. Thomas Gap Road sign (view S) |

St. Thomas Gap Road sign (view S) |

Vehicle at campsite just before road intersection (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at St. Thomas Gap Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road departing St. Thomas Gap Road intersection (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S towards vehicle causing dust) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Running along Tramp Ridge (view S) |

Running along Tramp Ridge (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Rare plants growing in gypsum-mud hills (view W) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Road crosses major wash (view S) |

Flashflood damage to roadway (view S; Oct 2015) |

Road climbs out of major wash (view S) |

Road crosses major wash (view S) |

Stopping to smell the yellow poppy flowers |

Flashfloods can damage the entire roadway (view S; Oct 2015) |

Road runs through rolling country (view S) |

Large campsite on the left (view S) |

Test well casing (oil exploration) in the campsite (view NE) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Flashflood damage to roadway (view S; Oct 2015) |

Gold Butte Road climbs towards ridgeline (view S) |

Gold Butte Road climbs towards ridgeline (view S) |

Road cuts up and across hillside (view SE) |

Road cutting across hillside; approaching sharp curve (view E) |

Grand view across Gold Butte (view N) |

Grand view into Arizona (view NE) |

Sharp curve at top of hill (remember on the return; view E) |

Sharp curve at top of hill (remember on the return; view E) |

Beyond sharp curve, cattle guard ahead (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at cattle guard (view S) |

Vehicle at Paradise Peak trailhead (view S) |

Vehicle at Paradise Peak trailhead (view W to Paradise Ridge) |

Fence and survey marker adjacent to cattle guard (view NE) |

Survey marker placed in 1992 |

Continuing past the cattle guard (view S) |

Road dips across wash (view SW) |

GB Rd approaching Horse Spring North Road (view S) |

GB Rd at Horse Spring North Road (view S) |

Horse Spring North Road (view E from Gold Butte Rd) |

Gold Butte Road (view S across Horse Valley) |

Gold Butte Road dipping towards Horse Spring Wash (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road at Horse Spring Wash (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road climbing out of Horse Spring Wash (view SE) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at Horse Spring Road connector (view S) |

Horse Spring Connector Road (view E from Gold Butte Road) |

Gold Butte Road at Horse Spring Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Approaching Uranium Mine Road and campsite (view S) |

Uranium Mine Road and campsite (view E from GB Road) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Devils Cove Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at Devils Cove Road sign (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at Devils Cove Road sign (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at Devils Cove Road sign (view S) |

Gold Butte Road at Devils Cove Road (view S) |

Far side of triangular intersection with Devils Cove Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Back Country Byway road sign (view S) |

Short side road to quail guzzler GB-01 (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road (view S) |

Gold Butte Road dipping back into Horse Spring Wash (view S) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Gold Butte Fault (view S) |

Crossing Horse Spring Wash and Gold Butte Fault (view W) |

Crossing Gold Butte Fault (view W) |

Crossing Horse Spring Wash for the last time (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Vermiculate Mine Road (view SW) |

Vermiculate Mine Road (view S from Gold Butte Road) |

Upturned limestone crags along Gold Butte Fault (view SW) |

Upturned limestone crags along Gold Butte Fault (view SW) |

More to come ... |

Gold Butte Road (view W) |

Gold Butte Road (view W) |

Approaching the highest point on Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Highpoint on Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Descending towards Gold Butte Townsite (view SW) |

Descending towards Gold Butte Townsite (view SW) |

Bundy trespass cattle at Gold Butte Townsite (view N) |

Descending towards Gold Butte Townsite (view SW) |

Approaching Blackjack Mine Road (view SW) |

Approaching Gold Butte Townsite area (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching cattle guard (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road at cattle guard (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Voight Well East Road (view SW) |

Voight Well East Road (view S from Gold Butte Road) |

Approaching Gold Butte Airstrip Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Airstrip Road (view W from Gold Butte Road) |

Gold Butte Airstrip windsock pole (view S from GB Road) |

Gold Butte Airstrip windsock pole (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching Voight Well West Road (view SW) |

Voight Well West Road (view SE from Gold Butte Road) |

Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road (view SW) |
Gold Butte placer prospects (view W from Gold Butte Road) |

Gold Butte placer prospects (view W) |

Placer prospects at Gold Butte Townsite (view N) |

Placer prospect at Gold Butte Townsite (view N) |

Lots of historic, rusty cans scattered around the Townsite area |

Gold Butte Road approaching Gold Butte Townsite (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road at Gold Butte Townsite East Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Townsite East Road (view S from Gold Butte Road) |

Gold Butte Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching road intersection (view SW) |

Directional sign at road intersection (view SW) |

Directional sign (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road approaching road intersection (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road at Gold Butte Townsite West Road (view SW) |

Gold Butte Road at Scanlon Road (view SW) |

Scanlon Road (view SW from Gold Butte Road) |

Gold Butte Road at Red Bluff Spring Road (view SW) |

Red Bluff Spring Road (view NW from Gold Butte Road) |