American Coot adult, non-breeding: note black feathers and white bill |

American Coot adult, non-breeding: note dark frontal shield |

American Coot adult, non-breeding: note yellow legs and feet |

American Coot hauling nesting material: note red frontal shield |

With a faded frontal shield, this coot looks a bit like a Caribbean Coot |

With a faded frontal shield, this coot looks a bit like a Caribbean Coot |

American Coot adult: note yellow foot and lobed toes |

American Coot juvenile: note gray feet and lobed toes |

Coot building a floating nest |

Coot building a floating nest |

American Coot parents with young |

American Coot parent with two young |

American Coot parent with two young |

American Coot fledglings |

American Coot juvenile |

American Coot adults feeding on a lawn |