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Birding Around Sunset Park
Birding Around Las Vegas, Urban Las Vegas Valley
sunset park
Sunset Park
Sunset Park Sign at Sunset and Eastern (view E)


Sunset Park is a large, noisy, traditional urban park in the heart of the city. The developed northern portion of the park has ball fields, playgrounds, a fishing pond, lawns, big old trees, and lots of other vegetation. In the undeveloped southern portion, the park protects a remnant of the mesquite-dune system that once covered much of the Las Vegas Valley. This area preserves some nice Honey Mesquite and saltbush thickets and other native vegetation.

Despite the urban feeling, this mix of habitats (water, trees, thickets, and dunes) creates a diverse urban oasis that attracts birds and people from all around. For the pond, winter is the best time to visit when wintering waterfowl can be abundant. Desert species can be found throughout the year, especially in less developed areas.

Homeless people use the park, but I've never had any interaction other than a pleasant "good day." Even so, some people might feel more comfortable in the less developed areas if birding with a friend.

Sunset Park
Sunset Park Sign at Sunset and Eastern (view E)


Sunset Park is located in the south-central part of Las Vegas at the intersection of E. Sunset Road and S. Eastern Avenue, just off the southeastern corner of the Reid International Airport runway. Link to Area Map or Site Map. or download Clark County PDF map.

From downtown, drive south on Highway I-15 to Highway I-215 East (follow signs to the airport). Follow Highway I-215 east to the airport turnoff, turn towards the airport, but just before entering the airport tunnel (goes under the runways), exit the highway right towards Sunset Road. At the traffic light, turn left onto Sunset and drive east for about 1 mile to Eastern Avenue. The park is across the intersection to the right.

sunset park
During winter, an amazing mix of wild and domestic waterfowl

Either continue east on Sunset and turn right at the first traffic light (into the north side of the park), or turn right onto Eastern and then turn left at either of the two roads into the park. The first left connects with the Sunset Blvd entrance, and the second left leads to the southern dune fields and south end of the pond.

Alternatively, drive south on Highway 93 to Sunset Road. Exit the highway, turn right onto Sunset, and drive west to Eastern Avenue. The park is on the left.

Parking lots are located on the north, west, and south sides of the park. Birders probably would prefer to park in the western or southern (Table 1, Site 0451) parking lots, both of which are accessible from Eastern Avenue.

Restrooms are located just north, northwest, and southwest of the pond, with a few others scattered around the park.

sunset park
Trees and geese along a walking path


Always open, but the birding should be consider sunrise to sunset.



sunset park
Sand Dunes Trail at the south end of Sunset Park (view NE)


This is a good place to find resident desert passerine species and migrants, as well as waterfowl during winter. Check the mesquite thickets for desert species such as Greater Roadrunner, Phainopepla, Verdin, and Black-tailed Gnatcatcher; check the trees for warblers, orioles, and tanagers; check the sand dunes for desert species; and check the pond for duck, grebes, cormorants, American White Pelicans, and herons, including breeding Black-crowned Night-Heron. Keep an eye out for other creatures too, species such as Round-tailed Ground Squirrel and White-tailed Antelope Squirrel.

Surprising for an urban park, this place brings in all kinds of unexpected species, for example, a male Long-tailed Duck showed up, as did five American White Pelicans and a Magnificent Frigatebird. Be sure to look through the blackbirds!

sunset park
Sand Dunes Trail at the south end of Sunset Park (view NE)

Sand Dunes Trails

Prior to settlement, much of the Las Vegas Valley was covered by sand dunes mixed with Honey Mesquite thickets. The south end of the park protects a few acres of this now-rare habitat. Check the dunes for desert species. Nice walking and biking trails run through this area, giving good access for birdwatchers.


As with most any urban park, Sunset Park is used by homeless people, but encampments are no longer permitted. While birding around these people, I get the impression that they are not in any way interested in hassling birders, walker, joggers, or families with their picnic baskets. If you speak first, often they will chat. I've always felt safe birding around these down-on-their-luck people, even the ones who are obviously off somewhere in their own personal world.

sunset park
Lots of parking at the south end (view N)
sunset park
Trees and grass
sunset park
Kids with popcorn really bring in the winter ducks!
sunset park
Large trees in the center of the park (view east)
Sunset Park
Ducks and geese at Sunset Park
Sunset Park
Ducks and geese at Sunset Park
Sunset Park
Ducks and geese at Sunset Park
Sunset ParkLots of ducks and coots
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sunset park sunset park
sunset park  
sunset park sunset park
sunset park sunset park
sunset park sunset park
Magnificent Frigatebird
Magnificent Frigatebird departs Sunset Park eastward
Magnificent Frigatebird
Magnificent Frigatebird departs Sunset Park eastward
Magnificent Frigatebird
Magnificent Frigatebird departs Sunset Park eastward
sunset park
Male Long-tailed Duck

Many species become accustomed to the presence of humans
sunset park
Lots of Canada Geese
Sunset Park
Round-tailed Ground Squirrel
sunset park
Greater Roadrunner
Sunset Park
Expect the unexpected: Black-necked Stilts
Sunset Park
Expect the unexpected: Black-necked Stilts
Sunset Park
Carp minnows foraging in the shallows
Sunset Park
Up close and personal: Great Egret eating a camp minnow
Sunset Park
Birding hazard: model jet boats
Sunset Park
Birding hazard: model jet boats

Sunset Park Sand Dunes Trails

Sunset Park
The southern mesquite-dunes area trail
sunset park
This spur trail leads to an overlook pavilion (view SE)
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Information signs and overlook pavilion (view SE)
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Information signs, seating, and views over sand dunes (view SW)
sunset park
Honey Mesquite thickets harbor birds and mammals
sunset park
Round-tailed Ground Squirrel watching a feral house cat
sunset park
Birder looking at Round-tailed Ground Squirrels (view W)
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Round-tailed Ground Squirrel lounging on the rocks
sunset park
Sand Dunes Trail at the south end of Sunset Park (view NE)
sunset park
Northern Mockingbird in a Honey Mesquite Tree
sunset park
White-crowned Sparrow in a Honey Mesquite Tree
sunset park
Greater Roadrunner under a Honey Mesquite Tree
sunset park
Birder on trail (view E)
sunset park
Cleared areas provide big views (Mt Charleston with snow; view W)
sunset park
Anna's Hummingbird in a Honey Mesquite Tree (look carefully)
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Anna's Hummingbird in a Honey Mesquite Tree
sunset park
Sand Dunes Trail at the south end of Sunset Park (view N)
sunset park
Wind-blown ripples in the soft sand (view N)
sunset park
Open areas and shrubs, but always within earshot of the airport
sunset park
Sand Dunes Trail at the south end of Sunset Park (view NE)
sunset park
Abert's Towhee under a Honey Mesquite Tree
sunset park
Gambel's Quail Honey Mesquite Tree
sunset park
Verdin nest in a clump of Mesquite Mistletoe (look carefully)
sunset park
Verdin nest in a clump of Mesquite Mistletoe
sunset park
Sand and shrubs
sunset park
Sand and shrubs
sunset park
Sand Dunes Trail at the south end of Sunset Park (view N)
sunset park
Sand and shrubs
sunset park
Sand and lots of Four-winged Saltbush
sunset park
Sand Dunes Trail at the south end of Sunset Park (view E)

Table 1. Highway Coordinates (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download Highway GPS Waypoints (*.gpx) file.

Site # Location Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) UTM Easting UTM Northing Elevation (feet) Verified
0451 Sunset Park 36.0638 115.1127 669974 3992474 2,020 Yes

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 250309

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