Past weather station, hiker approaches trail junction (view NW) |

Trail junction (view NW) |

Moenkopi Trail turns to run northeast (view NE) |

The trail heads out along-side the Visitor Center (view N) |

Moenkopi and Grand Circle trails diverge on the hillside (view NE |

Trail eventually wraps around behind the Visitor Center (view E) |

Approaching trail junction (view E) |

Signs at trail junction; turn left onto Moenkopi Trail (view E) |

Trail marker details: Moenkopi Trail (view N) |

Trail marker: Moenkopi Trail (view N) |

Trail marker details: Moenkopi Trail (view N) |

Ride Share follows Moenkopi Trail (view N) |

Slight incline (view N) |

Approaching an information sign about Prehistoric Sand Dunes |

Information sign along the trail |

The landscape levels out (view N) |

Heading towards the Calico Hills (view N) |

Trail runs parallel to Moenkopi Ridge (view W) |

The trail became a fireline in 2005 (view N) |

The fireline didn't stop the fire here (view N) |

Unused signpost along the trail (view N) |

Still heading north (view N) |

Approaching a trail junction (view N) |

Trail junction: Ride Share Deluxe turns right (view NE) |

Trail traverses gentle terrain across burn scar (view NE) |

Crossing the heart of the Loop Fire (view NE) |

Trail crosses wash and climbs across hillside (view SE) |

Trail climbs across hillside (view SE) |

Trail turns a long switchback (view E) |

Trail continues across gentle, rolling terrain (view NW) |

Trail continues across gentle, rolling terrain (view SE) |

Trail turns a sharper corner (view E) |

Trail continues across gentle, rolling terrain (view N) |

Ride Share Trail approaching Scenic Loop Road (view NE) |

Watch for car speeding up the road (view NE) |

Trail crosses road and stays along fence (view NE) |

Calico 1 Trailhead parking area (view SE) |

Ride Share follow sidewalk through the parking area (view SE) |

Ride Share follow sidewalk through the parking area (view SE) |

Vault toilet (view SE) |

Ride Share Trail approaching actual Calico 1 Trailhead (view SE) |

Ride Share Trail at Calico 1 Trailhead sign (view SE) |

Ride Share Trail continues along the fence (view S) |

Trail marker (view S) |

Trail marker details (view S) |

Trail marker details: Calico Hills Trail and Grand Circle Trail (view S) |

Ride Share continues out of Calico 1 parking area (view S) |

Ride Share runs parallel to Scenic Loop Road (view SE) |

Ride Share soon departs the Scenic Loop Road (view S) |

Trail follow ridge above Calico Hills Wash (view SE) |

Trail follows the edge of the Loop Fire burn zone (view S) |

Mojave Yucca resprouting from the roots (most die) |

Trail marker; Visitor Center is visible in the distance (view S) |

Ride Share Trail (view SE) |

Ride Share Trail runs along a low ridgeline (view S) |

Passing the end of the Calico Hills (view E) |

Ride Share Trail (view S) |

Ride Share Trail approaching a trail junction (view S) |

Ride Share Trail angles right at trail marker (view SW) |

Trail marker details (view SW; Calico Hills and Great Circle turn right) |

Trails to the left lead to Calico Basin trailhead (view SE) |

Ride Share Trail heads towards the Visitor Center (view SW) |

Ride Share Trail (view SW) |

Ride Share Trail approaching another trail junction (view SW) |

Calico Hills Trail forks left at trail marker (view S) |

Trail marker details; Grand Circle stays right (view S) |

Ride Share stays right on Grand Circle Trail (view SW) |

Nice views of the Red Rocks Cliffs in the distance (view W) |

Watch for car speeding up the Scenic Loop Road (view W) |

Trail crosses the Scenic Loop Road (view W) |

Trail continues straight across the road (view NW) |

Trail crosses small washes that might look like trails (view W) |

Trail sign: restoration in progress, stay on trail (view SW) |

Nice views of the Red Rocks Cliffs in the distance (view W) |

More nice views of the Red Rocks Cliffs in the distance (view W) |

Ride Share approaching a trail junction (view SW) |

Familiar signs at the Moenkopi Trail junction (view NW) |

Sign: note that the Grand Circle goes both ways (view N) |

Trail marker at Moenkopi Trail junction (view NW) |

Trail marker details (view NW) |

Ride Share continues past Moenkopi Trail junction (view NW) |

Trail climbs out of wash bottom (view W) |

At top of bank, trail turns left (view S) |

Ride Share Trail (view S) |

Ride Share Trail (view S) |

Ride Share Trail approaching the weather station (view S) |

Trail marker (actually a trail counter) (view S) |

Ride Share Trail approaching a trail junction (view S) |

Ride Share Trail at trail junction with marker (view S) |

Trail marker details: this side shows Grand Circle Trail going West |

Trail marker details: other side shows Moenkopi Trail going East |

Passing the trail junction near the weather station (view E) |

Final trail junction: stay left to Visitor Center (view E) |

Trail marker; trail leaves old road (view E) |

Trail marker details (view NE) |

Ride Share Trail approaching the Visitor Center (view NE) |

Moenkopi Trail approaching the Visitor Center (view NE) |

Moenkopi Trail approaching the Visitor Center (view NE) |

Moenkopi Trail approaching the trailhead (view NE) |

Moenkopi Trail at the trailhead signs (view NE) |