Approaching worst washout on the road (view N) |

Steep dip into and out of worst washout on the road (view N) |

Virgin Peak Road continues (view N) |

Flood debris still cover the road (view N) |

Approaching an abandoned watering trough |

Approaching Whitney Corral (view NW) |

The road passes through an old gate (view N) |

Inside the corral area (view N) |

Exiting the corral through a second gate (view N) |

Old water tank beside the road (view N) |

The road passes the old truck (view N) |

Beyond the corral, the road becomes much narrower (view N) |

Narrow road on bench above the wash (view N) |

The road enters the wash (view N) |

The road runs in the gravel flood debris (view N) |

Fork in the road; either side works (view N) |

The fork to the right is narrow (view N) |

Returning to the main wash (view N) |

The road now simply follows the washed out wash channel |

Following the washed out wash channel |

Rocky obstacles don't show well in this lighting |

The wash runs into a narrow canyon |

Getting ready for more desert pinstripes |

Approaching a narrow passage between two boulders |

Narrow passage between two boulders |

More large rocks in the road |

A bit of easy road |

This wide spot is a good place to park a full-sized truck |

Beyond the wide spot, a narrow spot |

Approaching more large rocks in the road |

Approaching the previous Virgin Peak trailhead |

Vehicle parked at previous Virgin Peak Road trailhead (view E) |

Vehicles can get through the old washout at the narrows |

At narrows, road used to be blocked by boulders (view E) |

Beyond the old trailhead, a narrow track continues |

Lots of gravel and big rocks |

This rocky step looked worse in real life |

More large rocks |

A bit of open gravel |

Another series of rocky steps |

Yet another large boulder |

More rocky steps |

A final bit of open gravel |

Designated route sign at new trailhead parking |

Designated route sign |

Steep, rocky gully that blocks all but the hardiest of vehicles |

Hiker on the road |

This road is washed out; stay left in the wash bottom (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

A short bit of road is not washed out (view N) |

A short bit of road is not washed out (view N) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Watering trough and agave roasting pit on spur road right (view E) |

Old road follows the wash bottom, which is washed out (view N) |

Road exits wash to the right (this spot is badly washed out (view N) |

Old ranching junk begins to appear (view N) |

First of three water tanks (on the right; view N) |

Old watering trough on the left side of the road (view NW) |

Old campsite with ranching junk (view SW) |

After campsite, road approaches spur road left (view N) |

Spur road (view W from Virgin Peak Road) |

Virgin Peak Road continues another 1/4-miles (view N) |

Old truck at Cowboy Campsite (view SW) |

Old truck at Cowboy Campsite (view W) |

More to come ... |