Departing the Virgin River |

Exiting the primitive camping area (view SW) |

Washed out road in the wash (view NE) |

Lake Mead NRA boundary signs (both sides) |

Graded road along the wash (view SW) |

Graded road along the wash (view SW) |

Graded road approaching the final hill-climb (view SW) |

Approaching "upper" Fisherman Cove Road (view NE) |

Approaching intersection with Virgin River Landing Road (view NE) |

Intersection with Virgin River Landing Road (view NE) |

Backside of directional signs |

Back on easy road |

Approaching at broad wash |

Crossing the broad wash |

Climbing out of the broad wash |

Approaching Narrows Road North, on the right (view E) |

Fisherman Cove Road at Narrows Road North (view E) |
Narrows Road North (view SE from Fisherman Cove Road) |

Fisherman Cove Road (view NE) |

Fisherman Cove Road runs parallel to the broad wash (view NE) |

Fisherman Cove Road crossing the broad wash again (view NE) |

Exiting the broad wash (view NE) |

Tight turn: watch for oncoming traffic (view NE) |

Easy road again (view NE) |

Approaching another broad wash (view NE) |

Crossing another broad wash (view NE) |

Dipping into yet another wash (view E) |

Crossing yet another wash (view E) |

Road climbs out of the wash |

Grand views east towards Virgin Peak (view E) |

Fisherman Cove Road (view NE) |

Fisherman Cove Road approaching a campsite, on the left (view NE) |

Entrance into campsite on the left (view NE) |

Exit from campsite on the left (view N) |

Fisherman Cove Road (view NE) |

Fisherman Cove Road approaching Gold Butte Road (view NE) |

Fisherman Cove Road approaching Gold Butte Road (view NE) |

Fisherman Cove Road at directional sign (view NE) |

Directional sign (view NE) |

Backside of Limited Use Area sign (view NE) |

Triangle intersection with Gold Butte Road (view E) |

Fisherman Cove Road arriving at Gold Butte Road (view NE) |

Fisherman Cove Road turning right onto Gold Butte Road southbound |

Fisherman Cove Road turning left onto Gold Butte Road northbound |