Mormon Well Road approaching Mormon Well Trailhead (view S) |

Mormon Well Road continuing past Mormon Well Trailhead (view SW) |

Mormon Well Road continues through the Pinyon-Juniper Forest |

Mormon Well Road approaching a caution sign (view S) |

Looking back at caution sign: Flash Flood Area (view NE) |

Mormon Well Road continues through sagebrush meadows (view S) |

Pinyon and Juniper trees push in on the side of the road (view S) |

Mormon Well Road approaching another caution sign (view S) |

Mormon Well Road approaching tall trees (view S) |

Mormon Well Road a zone of Ponderosa Pines (note fence; view S) |

Mormon Well Road approaching Mormon Pass Campground (view S) |

Mormon Pass Campground sign (view S) |

Mormon Well Road at Mormon Pass Group Campsite (view SW) |

Mormon Well Road approaching a single campsite (view SW) |

Mormon Well Road at turn-in to the single campsite (view SW) |

Mormon Well Road approaching the main camp area (view S) |

Vault toilet and campsite in main camp area (view NW) |

Sign in the main camp area (view N) |

Mormon Well Road at second turn-in to the main camp area (view S) |

Mormon Well Road at spur road to two small campsites (view SW) |

Spur road to two small campsites (view W from Mormon Well Road) |

Mormon Well Road exiting the campground area (view S) |

Mormon Well Road approaching the last of the tall trees (view S) |

Mormon Well Road arriving atop Mormon Pass (view S) |

Sign atop Mormon Pass (view N) |

Mormon Well Road continuing south past Mormon Pass (view S) |