Arriving at Point of Rocks Picnic Area (view east) |

Access road entering the parking area (view E) |

Restrooms at picnic area (view SE) |

Point of Rocks Picnic Area (view east) |

Front of information sign |

Trail map on information sign |

Back of information sign |

Back of information sign |

Back of information sign and covered picnic area |

King's Pool Boardwalk (view southeast) |

Birder's Walk section of the boardwalk beyond King's Pool |

Several places along the trail to sit and listen to the birds |

Fancy bridge over outflow creek |

Outflow creek (watch for fish) |

Outflow creek (watch for fish) |

King's Pool with boardwalk spur and bench (view east) |

Sign post decorated with pupfish near King's Pool |

Boardwalk at King's Pool |

King's Pool |

King's Pool |

King's Pool (view N) |

Ash Meadows Amargosa Pupfish in the Kings Pool |

Sign about bird life along the trail |

Someone wasn't paying attention! |

Boardwalk |

Boardwalk |

Boardwalk |

Sign post decorated with an Ash Meadows Naucorid beetle |

Information sign about Ash Meadows Naucorid Beetles |

Ash Meadows Naucorid Beetle habitat (vegetated stream) |

Deep grinding holes in limestone: evidence of long human use |

Deep grinding holes (metate) in limestone |

Stonehenge at Ash Meadows? (amphitheater under construction) |

Finished amphitheater |

Telescope at amphitheater |

Grand views from amphitheater |

Kings Pool during winter |

Boardwalk along Naucorid Beetle habitat and grinding holes |

Ash Meadows Amargosa Pupfish |

Variegated Meadowhawk (Sympetrum corruptum) |

Comanche Skimmer (Libellula comanche) |

Blue-ringed Dancer (Argia sedula), female |