Chipping Sparrow summer adult |
General Description: Chipping Sparrows (Spizella passerina) are monomorphic, but they have winter and summer plumages. All have a clear, gray breast and gray face, a black eyeline, and a white eyebrow line. During summer, they have a red crown, but during winter, the crown is finely streaked. Sexes alike. Juveniles have fine head streaks and heavily streaked breasts.
Taxonomy: Passeriformes, Emberizidae.
Favored Habitat: Desert scrub during winter, mountains during summer. |

Chipping Sparrow winter adult |
Where to Find: During winter around Las Vegas, look for Chipping Sparrows in the desert scrub (e.g., Red Rock Canyon NCA, Lake Mead NRA) where they are common; and during summer, look up on Mt. Charleston where they breed.
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