General Description: Greater Earless Lizards (Cophosaurus texanus) are fast, light-colored creatures found in open rocky and open gravel areas. The dorsal spots and bars reflect the general nature of the soils on which they live. They have a banded tail that they often wave in the air, but the black bands are only on the underside of the tail. The belly is white, but males get blue colors and black bars on the sides and lower abdomen. There are no external ear openings.
Where to Find: Don't look for Greater Earless Lizards around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them from central Arizona to central Texas and south into Mexico.
Taxonomy: Phrynosomatid Lizard Family. |

Note lack of ear openings |
Technical Description:
Diet: Carnivorous, eating mostly insects, spiders (arthropods in general), some plant material, and occasionally other lizards.
Habitat: Rocky washes, rocky desert flats, lower mountains.
Range: Northwestern Arizona to Texas and south into Mexico.
Comments: Earless Lizards, which occur in Arizona, look similar to Zebra-tailed Lizards. In Zebra-tails, the black bands completely encircle the tail; while in earless lizards, the black bands are on the underside of the tail. Zebra-tails also have external ear openings. |