Speckled Dace in sandy stream habitat |
General Description: Speckled Dace (Rhinichthys osculus) grow to 4- or 5-inches long. These little fish are silvery overall with a deeply forked tail. Most populations have dark speckling over the silvery body, but these fish adapt to their local conditions. The snout is rounded, the mouth is subterminal. |

Speckled Dace in rocky stream habitat |
Taxonomy: Minnow and Carp Family (Cyprinidae)
Diet: Omnivorous. Feeds on invertebrates, detritus, and algae in the water column and on the bottom.
Preferred Habitat: Flowing water. These fish are the most widely distributed fish in western North America (southwestern Canada to northern Mexico) and occur in desert springs, shallow desert streams, rivers, mountain torrents, and rarely even in lakes.
Where to Find: Around Las Vegas, look in most desert streams. |