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Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla)
Birds Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas |
General Description:Golden-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla) are large sparrows that resemble our familiar winter visitor the White-crowned Sparrow. However, Golden-crowns have black and golden-yellow on the crown rather than just black and white. The back is brown streaked with dark brown, and the sides and breast are gray with a bit of brown. The bill is dark above and light below.
Taxonomy: Passeriformes, Emberizidae.
Favored Habitat: Shrubby places in the woods. |
Where to Find: Don't look for Golden-crowned Sparrows around Las Vegas; rather, look for this species along the Pacific coast during winter. However, do keep an eye out for them because they sometimes show up.
Comments: This species breeds in Alaska and Canada, and winters in western Washington, Oregon, and northern California, then along the coast south to Baja California. |
If you were a tasty bug or a little seed, this might be the last face you ever see! |

Golden-crowned Sparrow, adult male |

Golden-crowned Sparrow, adult male |

Male Golden-crowned Sparrow

Male Golden-crowned Sparrow |

Young male Golden-crowned Sparrow |

Young male Golden-crowned Sparrow |

Female Golden-crowned Sparrow. The yellow is supposed to stay on the top of the head, but sometimes it strays down above the eyes |

Female Golden-crowned Sparrow. The yellow is supposed to stay on the top of the head, but sometimes it strays down above the eyes |

Golden-crowned Sparrow, adult male |

Golden-crowned Sparrow, adult male |
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
; Last updated 240124 |