Costa's Hummingbird male |
General Description: Costa's Hummingbirds (Calypte costae) are tiny birds with long bills. They hover in front of flowers and feed on nectar. Males have a large iridescent gorget (head and throat feathers) that is brilliant purple when the sun hits it right. The gorget covers the top of the head and the throat, plus provides a long mustache. Females are greenish overall with black wings that extend beyond the tail when at rest.
Taxonomy: Apodiformes, Trochilidae, Trochilinae. |

Costa's Hummingbird female |
Favored Habitat: Desert scrub with flowers, but yards with feeders are favored too.
Where to Find: Around Las Vegas, Costa's Hummingbirds are most likely to be seen around Boulder Beach at Lake Mead, in yards around Boulder City, and in Henderson, including at the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve.
Comments: Historically, hummingbirds were summer visitors to the Las Vegas area, but with so many feeders and perhaps a bit of climate change, a few Costa's and many Anna's hummingbirds stay in town all year. Other species leave during winter. |