Winter adult |
General Description: Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) are large, pale terns with black on the head, a heavy orange bill, and a forked tail. The wings are gray with black primaries. In flight, the underside of the wing is mostly white. Feathers on the back of the head form a shaggy mane.
This species has differing winter and summer plumage. In breeding plumage, Royal Terns have a jet-black cap that extends from the top of the bill to the back of the head. During winter, they lose most of the black feathers in the cap, resulting in a white forehead and a streaked crown.
Taxonomy: Charadriiformes, Laridae, Sterninae. Formerly Sterna maxima. |

Note mostly white under the wing |
Favored Habitat: Coastal waters with fish.
Where to Find: Don't look for Royal Terns around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them on trips to the coast. Most Royal Terns breed along coastal waters in the mid-Atlantic states. A few birds nest on the southern California coast, where they are fairly common during winter.
Comments: Along the West Coast, Royal Terns are similar to the more common Caspian Tern. However, Caspian Terns have a heavier bill, a less deeply forked tail, and in flight, shows considerable black under the wing. |