Prairie Falcon: note the dark armpits |
General Description: Prairie Falcons (Falco mexicanus) are big, gray-brown falcons of the open desert with a dark mustache mark, a bold eye stripe, and dark brown under the wings (dirty armpits). Prairie Falcons have a white eyeline, which is not present on Peregrine Falcons, and the mustache mark on a Prairie Falcons is narrower than the face mask on Peregrine Falcons. If you see a big falcon, check the armpits.
Falcons are recognized from other birds of prey by the long, narrow, pointed wings. Even at great distances, the wings identify this bird as a falcon. The dark armpits identify this as a Prairie Falcon.
Taxonomy: Falconiformes, Falconidae, Falconinae
Favored Habitat: Open areas with places to perch. Nest on cliffs in the desert and mountains.
Where to Find: Fairly common, usually seen hunting in the open desert.
Comments: Prairie Falcons are bird hawks. |