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Canyon Treefrog (Hyla arenicolor)
Amphibians Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas |
General Description: Canyon Treefrogs (Hyla arenicolor) are small, pale brown frog with prominent toepads, webbed hind feet, and small warts, but no eyestripe. Spots on the back are variable (even absent), and there is yellow on the inside of the hind legs.
Taxonomy: Order Frogs and Toads (Anura); Family Treefrogs (Hylidae). |
Technical Description: Body size small (to about 2 in.). Dorsal color light brown to gray. Dorsal blotches or spots darker brown. Eyestripe absent. Ventral color cream with yellow on hind legs. Toe pads large. Hind feet webbed. Skin rough.
Diet: Insects.
Habitat: Streams with pools and rocky bottoms from lower desert to the Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands. Rarely farther than one leap from water. |
Range: Southern Utah, northwestern Arizona, eastern New Mexico south into Mexico.
Breeding: Breeds spring through summer, often in rocky pools in streams.
Similar Species: Pacific Chorus Frogs have a prominent stripe below the eye.
Comments: |
If you were a tasty flying insect, this might be the last face you ever see! |

Mohave Co., Arizona |

Mohave Co., Arizona |

Big Bend National Park, Texas |

Big Bend National Park, Texas |

Big Bend National Park, Texas |

Big Bend National Park, Texas |

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona |

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona |

Zion National Park, Utah |

Zion National Park, Utah |

Canyon Treefrog; Portal, Arizona |

Canyon Treefrog; Portal, Arizona |

Canyon Treefrog; Portal, Arizona |

Canyon Treefrog; Portal, Arizona |
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
; Last updated 221116 |