General: Chambers' Twinpod (Physaria chambersii) is a perennial forb that grows low to the ground. The leaves are basal, short, and broad. The plant produces 4-petaled, yellow flowers in the spring, and then pairs of inflated pods as it sets fruit.
The plant seems most recognizable when just a small basal rosette of broad leaves held upright tightly around the center of the plant. When flowering, however, the plant comes alive with stems, leaves, and flower stalks.
Chambers' Twinpod is an uncommon component of mountain vegetation communities in the Upper Sonoran (Pinyon-Juniper Woodland), Transition (Yellow Pine Forest), and Canadian (Pine-Fir Forest) life zones. Around Las Vegas, look for this species up in the mountains, such as on Mt. Charleston in the Spring Mountains and in the Sheep Range in the Desert National Wildlife Range. The Griffith Peak Trail and the South Loop Trail are good places to find this species. |
Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae).
Other Names: Chamber's twinpod, double bladder pod, Chamber's double bladderpod.
Plant Form: Perennial forb, cespitose (tight basal rosette) with silvery leaves.
Height: Basal rosette to a few inches high; flowering stalks to about 12 inches.
Stems: None, other than the flowering stalk.
Leaves: Petiole short. Blade to about 3 inches long, spoon shaped. |
Flowers: Blooms during spring and early summer. Inflorescence: dense, umbel-like cluster on a stem to 6-10 inches high. Flower with 4 yellow petals.
Seeds: 4 seeds per inflated chamber.
Habitat: Limestone soils in the mountains; washes, hillsides, ridges.
Elevation: About 5,000 to 8,200 feet. Found at 9,300 ft above Harris Saddle on Griffith Peak.
Distribution: Oregon to Utah and Arizona.
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