California Evening Primrose with white flowers |

California Evening Primrose with white flowers |

California Evening Primrose: upright and shrub-like |

California Evening Primrose: spreading on the ground |

California Evening Primrose: upright and shrub-like |

California Evening Primrose: spreading on the ground |

Bark shredding |

Bark shredding |

Stem with leaves and flowers |

Stem with leaves and flowers |

Young leaves triangular to oval, margins almost entire |

Young leaves triangular to oval; buds nodding |

Older leaves elongate with wavy margin, sometimes hairless |

Older leaves elongate with wavy margin, sometimes hairy |

California Evening Primrose: buds nodding (hanging down) |

California Evening Primrose: buds nodding (hanging down) |

California Evening Primrose: buds nodding (hanging down) |

Flower bud nodding, sometimes hairless, free tips very short

Flower bud nodding, hairy, free tips very short |

Flower bud opening |

California Evening Primrose: sometimes a small plant |

California Evening Primrose: sometimes a small shrub |

Flowers open in the evening |

Flowers open in the evening |

Flowers open in the evening |

Flowers open in the evening |

Flowers close in the morning and age to pink |

Flowers close in the morning and age to pink |

Fresh (white) and older flowers (pink) |

Flowers close in the morning and age to pink |

Flowers close in the morning and age to pink |

Flowers close in the morning and age to pink |

Seed pods cylindrical |
Seed pod cylindrical |

Seed pod cylindrical with a flaring tip |

Seed pod cylindrical with a flaring tip |

Dried seed pod with seeds |

Dried seed pod without seeds |

Seeds |

Seeds |