Crazy intersection: roads south on both sides of northbound lanes |

Crazy intersection: watch for cross traffic going the wrong way |

No left turn here into the gas station! (view NW) |

Highway 93: the crazy lanes have returned to normal (view NW) |

Highway 93 a left turn to truck stop (view NW) |

Left turn to truck stop (view SW from Highway 93) |

Speed limit bumps to 70 mph (view N) |

Endless acres of solar panels on the east side of the highway |

Endless acres of solar panels on the east side of the highway |

Endless acres of solar panels on the east side of the highway |

Divided highway ending (view NW) |

Divided highway ends (view N) |

Two lanes uphill continues (view N) |

Two lanes merging down to one (view N) |

Down to a regular, 70-mph two-lane Nevada highway (view N) |

Traversing Hidden Valley; Arrow Range on the right (view N) |

Cell tower and mine scar on the right (view N) |

Approaching turn to Arrow Guzzler (view N) |

Turn to Arrow Guzzler hike (view N) |

Arrow Guzzler Road (view E from Highway 93) |

Approaching roadcut before Big Arrow Peak Trailhead (view N) |

Big Arrow Peak Trailhead (view N) |

Big Arrow Peak trailhead parking (view E from trailhead) |

Roadside parking, but not good trailhead parking (view E) |

Trailhead parking for Peak 5146 and Hidden Peak (view N) |

Trailhead parking for Peak 5146 and Hidden Peak (view N) |

The hike towards Peak 5146 and Hidden Peak (view E) |

Peak 5146 in the Arrow Canyon Wilderness Area (view E) |

Approaching access road to powerlines at base of Arrow Cyn Range |

Approaching Mormon Well Road, on the left (view N) |

Arrow Canyon Range with snow (view E) |

Approaching Mormon Well Road, on the left (view N) |

Hwy 93 at Mormon Well Road (view N) |

Highway 93 continues north (view N) |

Approaching intersection with Highway 168 (view N) |

Sign: Junction with Highway 168 (view N) |

Sign: Directions to Alamo and Glendale (view N) |

Approaching sign for highway intersection directions (view N) |

Sign: Directions to Highway 93 and Highway 168 (view N) |

Sign: Directions to Highway 93 and Highway 168 (view N) |

Highway 93 at Highway 168 (view N) |

Highway 168 (view E from Highway 93) |
Clark-Lincoln County Line (view N) |

Approaching Kane Springs Road (to Elgin; view N) |

Hwy 93 at Kane Springs Road (view N) |

Western Elite Landfill on the left (view W) |

Western Elite Landfill on the left (view W) |

Entrance to Western Elite Landfill on the left (view W) |

Western Elite Landfill, white horse statue on the left (view W) |

Approaching historical marker, on the right (view N) |
Historical marker with picnic table and trash can (view E) |

Historical marker (view E) |

Text of historical marker (yellow makes it easier to read; view E) |

Highway 93 (view N) |

Approaching Pahranagat Narrows (view NW) |

Approaching Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge (view NW) |

Approaching Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge sign (view NW) |

Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge sign (view N from roadway) |

Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge sign (view NW) |

Entering Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge sign (view NW) |

Highway 93 winds through Pahranagat Narrows (view NW) |

Highway 93 winds through Pahranagat Narrows (view NW) |

Exiting Pahranagat Narrows (view NW) |

Highway sign with destination mileages (view NW) |

Highway sign: 15 miles to Alamo (view NW) |

Highway sign: Caution -- Open Range (view NW) |

Entering Pahranagat Valley (view NW) |

Highway sign: Caution -- Major Deer Crossing (view NW) |

Highway sign: Caution -- Major Deer Crossing (view NW) |

Heading north (view N) |

Pahranagat Valley is long, wide, and green (view NW) |

Highway sign: Wildlife Viewing Area (view NW) |

Turnoff to Lower Lake (not the best access) |

Heading north (view N) |

Approaching Lower Lake (view NW) |

Passing Lower Lake (view NW) |

Highway sign: Entering Pahranagat Valley (view NW) |

Approaching Lower Lake Overlook (view N) |

Bird watchers at Lower Lake Overlook (view N) |

Sign announcing Lower Lake access road (view N) |

Sign announcing Roadside Rest Area (view N) |

Approaching Lower Lake access road (view N) |

Approaching Roadside Rest Area (view N) |

Roadside Rest Area; usually no toilets (view N) |

Middle Marsh (view NW) |

Approaching Middle Marsh access road (view N) |

Sign announcing Pahranagat NWR Visitor Center, 1 mile (view N) |

Middle Marsh access road (view N) |

Sign announcing Pahranagat Visitor Center, 1/2 mile (view N) |

Sign announcing Pahranagat Visitor Center, next left (view N) |

Pahranagat NWR Visitor Center sign (view N) |

The road becomes divided (view N) |

Left turn lane for Pahranagat Visitor Center (view N) |

Left and right turn lanes (view N) |

Left turn lane to Pahranagat NWR Visitor Center (view N) |

Pahranagat Visitor Center Road (view W from Highway 93) |

Pahranagat NWR Visitor Center Road (view W from Highway 93) |

Highway 93 continuing past Pahranagat Visitor Center Road (view N) |

Sign: Camping 3 miles ahead at Upper Lake (view N) |

Highway 93 return to undivided 70-mph highway (view N) |

Approaching Badger Valley Road (view N) |

Approaching Badger Valley Road (view N) |

Hwy 93 at Badger Valley Road (view N) |

Badger Valley Road (view W from Highway 93) |

First view of Upper Pahranagat Lake and campsite (view N) |

Upper Pahranagat Lake (view NW) |

Upper Pahranagat Lake (view N) |

Campsite along Upper Pahranagat Lake (view NW) |

Campsite along Upper Pahranagat Lake (view NW) |

Campsite along Upper Pahranagat Lake (view W) |

Upper Marshy at Upper Pahranagat Lake during summer (view N) |

Upper Marsh at Pahranagat Lake during fall (view NW) |

Upper Pahranagat Lake Access Road on the left (view N) |

Highway 93 divides to make room for a left-turn lane (view N) |

Sign: Upper Pahranagat Lake (view N) |

Left turn lane for Upper Pahranagat Lake (view N) |

Highway 93 return to undivided 70-mph highway (view N) |

Green fields and livestock south of Alamo |

Outskirts of Alamo: Sunset View Hotel (view N) |

Sunset View Hotel (view NE) |

Sunset View Hotel sign (view N) |

Alamo city limit sign (view N) |

Watch the speed -- 50 mph through Alamo (view NW) |

Approaching Alamo business district (view N) |

Alamo business district (view N). Alamo Diner to the left. |

Alamo business district : gas, food, and groceries (view N) |