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Monumental Mammoth
Hiking Around Las Vegas; Ice Age Fossils State Park
Monumental Mammoth
Ice Age Fossils State Park
Monumental Mammoth, just inside Ice Age Fossils State Park gate

Monumental Mammoth

Ice Age Fossils State Park was established in 2017 and opened to the public in 2024. This small (315 acre) state park is tucked up against the much larger (22,650 acres) Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument. Together, they protect the paleontologically rich Upper Las Vegas Wash, but in particular, the State Park protects the major excavation sites.

During the Ice Age, springs here sustained green, marshy habitat. The vegetation, in turn, supported several species of large herbivorous mammals, including Columbian mammoths.

The Monumental Mammoth is a life-sized Columbian Mammoth sculpture conceived of by Tahoe Mack as her Girl Scout Gold Award project, which became a community project. The skeletal structures are steel, but the skin is made from metal detritus picked up during the public cleanup events in Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument.

Link to Area Map, Park Map, or details of getting there.

Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth (view N from parking lot)
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth (view NE)
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth (view NE)
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth (view NW)
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth (view E)
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth: construction details of right hip (view E)
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth: construction details of front-right leg (view E)
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth: construction details of face, right side (view E)
Monumental Mammoth
There are four signs on the fence with info about the sculpture
Monumental Mammoth
This sign is about the monumental vision of Tahoe Mack
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth
Monumental Mammoth

Happy hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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