Trail runs north (view NW) |

Hiker on short uphill section (view NW) |

Trail merges with an old road (view W) |

Trail departs old road to the right (view W) |

Trail on desert flats (view W) |

First encounter with Wildhorse Road (view NW) |

First encounter with Wildhorse Road (view NW) |

Trail on desert flats (view W) |

Trail merges with another from the left (view NW) |

Looking back at the trail sign (view SE) |

Another trail sign across the intersection (view NW) |

Trail sign (view SW) |

Trail on desert flats (view W) |

Trail stays right at fork with trail sign (view NW) |

Trail sign (view NE) |

Trail on rolling desert flats (view W) |

Approaching another trail junction with a sign (view NW) |

Trail sign (view SW) |

Hiker passing trail merging from the left (view NW) |

Trail returns to Wildhorse Road (view NW) |

Hiker on Wildhorse Road (view NW) |

Hiker on dirt road (view NW) |

Hiker on dirt road (view NW) |

Wildhorse Road at Lone Grapevine Road (view NW) |

Lone Grapevine Road (view N from Wildhorse Road) |

Grand scenery to the northwest |

Hiker on dirt road (view NW; 2WD vehicles stop here) |

Lone Grapevine Trailhead (view NW) |

Trail departs Lone Grapevine Trailhead (view NW) |

Trail drops off hillside towards wash (view NW) |

Trail drops into wash (view W) |

Trail junction in wash; loop turns right (view W) |

Loop trail runs north |

Trail drops through wooded wash (view NW) |

Trail stays left at fork (view NW) |

Trail on desert flats at base of the mountains (view W) |

Trail stays left at a fork (view N) |

Approaching the watering troughs (view N) |

Hiker at watering troughs (view N) |

Watering troughs (view NW) |

Rocks in the trough save drowning birds and mammals |

Trail climbs hillside above watering troughs (view NW) |

Watering trough |

Be sure to leave rocks in the trough so creatures can climb out |

Trail climbs hillside towards Lone Grapevine Spring (view NW) |

Note the top of the rock |

Approaching Lone Grapevine Spring (view NW) |

Approaching Lone Grapevine Spring (view NW) |

Lone Grapevine Spring |

Artwork at Lone Grapevine Spring (view SW) |

Petroglyphs and graffiti at Lone Grapevine Spring (view NE) |

Lone Grapevine Spring (view SW) |

Birdwatching at Lone Grapevine Spring (view SW) |

Lone Grapevine Spring (view SE) |

Petroglyphs |

Low quality cowboy graffiti |

Real petroglyph or better-quality cowboy graffiti? |

Departing Lone Grapevine Spring (view SE) |

Hikers descending the hillside (view SE) |

Returning to the watering trough (view S) |

Loop trail turns right just below watering troughs (view S) |

Trail runs along base of hillside (view SW) |

Modern images (cowboy graffiti) on the stones in this area |

Trail runs along base of hillside (view W) |

Trail stays left a junction (view SW) |

Conglomerate boulders beside the trail (view NW) |

Approaching Wooden Fence Spring (view SW) |

Arriving at Wooden Fence Spring (view SW) |

Boulder with wood impressions |

Boulder with wood impressions |

Boulder with wood impressions |

Boulder with wood impressions |

Old wood in the stone |

Wooden Fence Spring |

Birdwatching at Wooden Fence Spring (view NW) |

Birdwatching at Wooden Fence Spring (view W) |

Northeast corner of fenced area (view NE) |

Wooden Fence Spring (view E) |

Hiker departing Wooden Fence Spring (view E) |

Always notice the little things |

Trail on desert flats (view E) |

Looking back towards Wooden Fence Spring (view W) |

Trail on desert flats (view E) |

Hiker passing trail junction to Wooden Fence Trailhead (view SE) |

Trail cross wash obliquely (view S) |

Steepest climb of the hike (view SE) |

Hikers on desert flats (view SE) |

Hikers crossing bike trail (view SE) |

Hikers crossing dirt road (view SE) |

Trail runs across rolling desert flats (view SE) |

Trail runs across rolling desert flats (view SE) |

Hiker crossing rolling terrain in Cottonwood Valley (view SE) |

Hiker crossing rolling terrain in Cottonwood Valley (view SE) |

Trail stays right at fork (view SE) |

Trail stays right at another fork (view SE) |

Closing the Loop: inbound trail merges with outbound trail (view SE) |

Trail stays left at a fork (view SE) |

Recrossing the dirt road (view SE) |

Trail merges with old road (view SE) |

Trail departs old road (view SE) |

Trail starts down fairly steep hillside (view SE) |

Trail runs back down fairly steep hillside (view SE) |

Flat area below the hillside (view SE) |

Trail intersection near Highway 160 (view SE) |

Returning to the trailhead (view NE) |

Returning to the trailhead (view NE) |