Starting on trail from the paved parking area (view N) |

Hiker on trail passing the dirt, equestrian parking area (view NW) |

Hiker on trail passing the dirt, equestrian parking area (view NW) |

Approaching the start of the official trail (view NW) |

Hiker at official starting point on the Perimeter Trail (view NW) |

Sign: trail rules (view SW) |

Hiker at official starting point on the trail (view NW) |

Trail marker at official start (note mile marker) |

Trail marker at official start (note mileage = 0.0 miles) |

Hiker passing the official starting point on the trail (view NW) |

Hiker on trail (view NW) |

Hiker passing trail marker (view NW) |

Trail marker (mileage = 0.2 miles) |

Side trail to Lone Mountain Regional Park (view NE) |

First of several trash cans along the trail (view N) |

The trail stays left of a gravel pit (view N) |

Oh look! -- a coyote on a side trail (view SW) |

Coyotes like the trail too (view SE towards downtown Las Vegas) |

Lone Mountain perimeter Trail approaching the first turn (view N) |

Hiker turning the first curve (view W) |

Looking up the North Ridge (view SW) |

Start of the North Ridge route (view SW) |

Trail marker (mileage = 0.4 miles) |

The trail parallels Highway 215 (view SW) |

The trail begins to bend left again (view SW) |

Trail marker (mileage = 0.6 miles) |

Trail marker (mileage = 0.8 miles) |

Start of the West Face (Regular) route up Lone Mountain (view E) |

Passing another trash can -- use it if necessary |

Hiker approaching the highest point on the Perimeter Trail (view S) |

Approaching the Vegas Vista Trailhead (view S) |

Vegas Vista Trailhead (view SW from the trail) |

Lone Mountain Perimeter Trail (view E from Vegas Vista Trailhead) |

Lone Mountain Perimeter Trail (view SE from Vegas Vista Trailhead) |

Hiker passing more signs and trash cans (view SE) |

Trail marker (mileage = 0.8 miles) |

The trail winds down gentle slopes (view S) |

The trail winds down gentle slopes (view S) |

Hiker passing yet more signs and trash cans (view SE) |

Trail marker (mileage = 1.0 miles) |

Hiker passing the next trail marker (view SE) |

Trail marker (mileage = 1.2 miles) |

Trail marker (mileage = 1.4 miles) |

Hiker turning the third corner around Lone Mountain (view E) |

West side start of the South Ridge route (view E) |

Trail follows the sidewalk along West Alexander (view E) |

Trail follows the sidewalk along West Alexander (view E) |

East side start of the South Ridge route (view W) |

Easier access to east side start of the South Ridge route (view W) |

Trail departing the sidewalk along West Alexander (view E) |

Hiker turning the last corner (view N) |

Trail marker (mileage = 1.6 miles) |

Quiet Zone? I guess the residents think hikers are too loud. |

White-tailed Antelope Squirrel eating lunch |

The trailhead comes into view (view N) |

Hiker at another trail marker (view N) |

Trail marker (mileage = 1.8 miles) |

The last bit of trail before reaching the trailhead (view N) |

Hiker passing yet more signs and trash cans (view SE) |

Returning to Lone Mountain Park (view N) |

The trail parallels the entrance road to Lone Mountain Park (view N) |

Hiker passing the last trail marker (view N) |

Trail marker (mileage = 2.0 miles) |

Hiker approaching the general parking area (view N) |

Perimeter Trail runs adjacent to the general parking area (view N) |

Hiker returning to the general parking area (view N) |