Hiker crossing Red Rock Wash (view W) |

Hiker approaching west bank of Red Rock Wash (view W) |

Hiker on stone stairs leading to the bench (view SW) |

Hikers on north bench below Ice Box Canyon (view W) |

Junction with Dales Trail and SMYC Trail (view W) |

Trail junction sign (view W) |

Trail sign at junction (view SW) |

Watch for the rarely seen Black-chinned Sparrow in this area |

Lots of rocks in the trail (view W) |

Getting into the shadows (view W) |

The bench narrows (view W) |

Some hikers cut down off the bench here (view W) |

Very steep route to the wash bottom (not the best route; view SW) |

The main trail continues on the bench (view NW) |

A bit of dirt trail (view W) |

Another route down to the wash; worse than the previous route |

The rocky trail continues (view W) |

Rocky trail (view W) |

A ponderosa pine growing up against the cliffs (view SW) |

The trail ends as the bench pinches out (view W) |

Steep trail descends to the wash (view SW) |

Rocky trail descends steeply to the wash (view SW) |

The trail runs through a tunnel beneath the trees (view SW) |

Trail emerging out from under the trees (view W) |

In the wash, the route continues up the wash (view W) |

Hikers starting up the wash (view SW) |

Boulder-filled wash (view SW) |

Hikers navigating boulder-filled wash (view SW) |

Boulder-filled wash (view SW) |

In places like this, try to stay left (view W) |

Bypassing a pool of water (view NW) |

Staying left to bypass the pool of water (view W) |

Staying left on a bypass (view W) |

Staying left on a bypass (view W) |

Another pool of water (view SW) |

Same place, but without the water (view SW) |

Back in the wash bottom (view W) |

Approaching the grand, old tree that died and fell over (view W) |

Boulder-filled wash (view SW) |

Approaching the fork in the canyon (view W) |

Turning into south fork; use bypass behind tree (view SW) |

Pool of water can block access to the falls (view SW) |

Hikers at the bypass (view SW) |

Above the bypass, the route traverses sloping ledge (view SW) |

Route across sloping ledge (view SW) |

Hikers on ledge traversing cliff above Lowest Pool (view SW) |

Hikers on ledge traversing a cliff (view SW) |

View up the canyon (view SW) |

Upper and Lower falls during winter (view SW) |

Upper and Lower falls during summer (no water; view SW) |

Lower falls during winter (view SW) |

Lower falls during summer (no water; view SW) |

Lower falls (view SW) |

Upper and Lower falls (view SW) |

Upper falls (view SW) |

Upper falls (view SW) |

Middle falls and pool (view SW) |

Middle falls and pool (view SW) |