Hikers relaxing on the summit (view E) |

Starting down from the summit (view NE) |

Starting down the steep summit ramp (view NW) |

Descending steep summit ramp (view NW) |

Descending towards Hidden Forest entrance |

Hikers passing Hidden Forest entrance |

Route down (view W from Hidden Forest Entrance) |

Contouring across hillside (view N from Hidden Forest Entrance) |

Hikers nearing ridge above the bridge (view N) |

Hiker starting towards top of bridge (view W) |

The bridge (view W) |

Hikers on narrow ledge, traversing towards top of bridge (view W) |

Hikers on narrow ledge, traversing towards top of bridge (view W) |

Hikers at E edge of bridge (view W) |

Hiker on landing beyond narrow ledge (view W) |

Hikers on top of the bridge (view W) |

Routes at the bridge (view NE) |

Descending beyond the top of the bridge (view W) |

Turning down towards ascent route (view W) |

Hikers descending first steep pitch (view W) |

Hikers descending first steep pitch towards big ledge (view W) |

Hikers descending steep, exposed rock (view W) |

Approaching "safe" ground (view W) |

Looking ahead at route across the neck (view W) |

Hikers leaving the neck area (view NW) |

Hikers starting up the steep gully-crack (view NW) |

Hikers in steep, brushy gully (view NW) |

Paint markers are easier to see on the way out (view W) |

Finished with the difficult rock (view W) |

High peaks along the escarpment (view SE from the crest) |

Hikers on the crest (view N at trail junction) |

Tired drivers need to operate with care at the end of the day! |