Hikers on Fossil Trail (view S) |

Multiple trailing: horses and bikers are terrible about this (view S) |

Multiple trailing: horses and bikers are terrible about this (view S) |

Multiple trailing: trail starts to look like a road (view S) |

Hiker starting onto the flanks of Blue Diamond Hill (view S) |

Rocky bit passing conglomerate outcrop (view SW) |

Hiker passing conglomerate outcrop (view S) |

Conglomerate rocks along trail |

Hiker on Fossil Trail (view S) |

Trail passes edge of 2005 fire (view S; 2009) |

Fairly gentle slope ... |

... and fairly steep slope |

Lower Cat-N-Hat trail junction (view SE) |

Cat-N-Hat trail junction (view E) |
Beyond Cat-N-Hat, heading towards conglomerate crags (view E) |

Approaching Timpoweap Conglomerate crags (view E) |

Climbing below Timpoweap Conglomerate crags (view E) |

Fossil Trail approaching Rock Garden Trail (view SE) |

Rock Garden trail junction (view SE) |

Fossil Trail at Fossil Canyon Trail (view SE) |

Trail runs up into Fossil Canyon (view SE) |

Trail runs onto limestone ledges above Fossil Canyon |

Timpoweap Conglomerate |

Timpoweap Conglomerate |

Sheep or burro bones; life in the desert is harsh |

Fossil Trail runs across cliffs above Fossil Canyon (view SE) |

Fossil Trail (view SE) |

Upper Cat-N-Hat trail junction (view SE) |

Trail runs up into Fossil Canyon (view SE) |

Approaching first switchbacks (view SE) |

First switchbacks (view SE) |

Beyond first switchbacks (view SE) |
Five-needle Prickly Leaf in bloom |

Fossil Trail (view SE) |

Approaching second switchbacks (view SE) |

Switching back (view NE) |

Fossil Trail approaching the top of the canyon (view SE) |

First Finger trail junction (view S) |

Trail runs up into Fossil Canyon (view S) |

Jeep Trail trail junction (view S) |