Approaching Devil's Thumb (view S) |

Devil's Thumb behind hikers (view S) |
View over the ridge into the Pahrump Valley (view W) |

View over the ridge into the Pahrump Valley (view W) |

Looking back across the East Face cliffs (view NE) |

Continuing south across the East Face cliffs (view SW) |

Trail conditions generally are good (view S) |

Looking back at humans traversing the East Face cliffs (view NE) |

A place to rest or camp (view SE) |

Trail continues traversing the East Face cliffs (view S) |

Trail continues traversing the East Face cliffs (view S) |

Grand scenery (view NE to Mummy Mountain) |

Hikers at the base of the final switchbacks (view NW) |

Hikers near the base of the final switchbacks (view NW) |

Because of falling rocks and gravel in this area ... |

trail can be a bit sketchy (view NW) |

Steep trail (view NW) |

Fossil sponge in the summit rocks |

Grand views down Kyle Canyon (view SE) |

Grand views down Kyle Canyon South Loop Ridge (view SE) |

Looking down on the switchbacks |

Last of the switchbacks (view SW) |

Hikers arriving on the summit (view SW) |

More to come ... |