Trail junction and start of Griffith Shadow South Trail (view NE) |

Trail junction and start of Griffith Shadow South Trail (view SW) |

Sign at trail junction (view NE) |

Griffith Shadow South Trail (view NW from Lovell Canyon Trail) |

Griffith Shadow South Trail begins running NW |

First switchback (view NE) |

Trail runs up across hillside (view NE) |

Second switchback (view SE) |

Third switchback (view NE) |

Fourth switchback (view SE) |

Trail runs up across hillside (view SW) |

Fifth switchback (view NE) |

Trail runs up across hillside (view W) |

Trail climbs across the hillside (view SW) |

Turning back onto the low ridge (view W) |

Trail junction to Promontory (view NW) |

Saddle (view SW through gamble oak thicket into Trout Canyon) |

Saddle (view NE into upper Lovell Canyon) |

The end of the trail is in sight (view N) |

Just past the saddle (view W down Trout Canyon) |

Fully constructed trail runs across hillsides (view N) |

Fully constructed trail runs across hillsides (view N) |

Shrubs cleared, but trail not fully constructed (view N) |

Shrubs cleared, but trail not fully constructed (view N) |

Approaching end of the trail (view N) |

Trail dead-ends into the brush (view NW) |

Trail dead-ends into the brush (view NW) |

For a short distance, hikers can find footprints into the brush |

Grand vista at end of trail (view W) |

Grand vista at end of trail - zoom (view W) |