Bristlecone Trail approaching Bonanza Trail junction (view NW) |
The Bristlecone Loop Trail is a delightful, moderately strenuous 6-mile hike that can be done in either direction. Starting from the end of Lee Canyon Road (Upper Bristlecone Trailhead) or from near McWilliams Campground (Lower Bristlecone Trailhead), the trail winds around the upper reaches of Lee Canyon passing through Pine-Fir Forests, groves of Quaking Aspen, a Bristlecone Pine forest, and open sunny slopes with big views. There are great views of the surrounding mountain peaks, the ski area, and down Lee Canyon. Here, the hike is described as starting from the upper trailhead, passing through the lower trailhead, and ending at the upper trailhead.
Hiking the entire loop requires walking about 1 mile on Lee Canyon Road to close the loop, but steep use-trails can be used to short-cut the highway switchbacks.
The first 1/4-mile of trail is fenced to protect rare plants and the rare butterfly species that feeds only on these plants. The plants only grow here and in a few other places on Mt. Charleston. Please respect the fence, stay on the trail, and help protect these rare species. |

Bristlecone Trail at Bonanza Trail junction (view N) |
This is a good trail to see all of the higher-elevation conifer species in southern Nevada. Ponderosa Pine, White Fir, Bristlecone Pine, and Common Juniper are common, and there are a few Rocky Mountain Juniper and Limber Pine mixed in. For people who just want to see Bristlecone Pines, there are several at the upper trailhead, but the twisted ones are on High Point Ridge (also some old and twisted Limber Pines). At the trailhead, the second and fourth trees on the right side of the trail are Bristlecone Pines, and from the edge of the pavement, several more can be seen a few yards out at eye level. Keep an eye out for Mount Charleston Chipmunks too, they live in the Spring Mountains and nowhere else, but don't confuse them with the more common Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels (tip: look for a dark stripe through the eye).
A good, short trip (about 3 miles total) is to hike from Upper Trailhead to High Point Ridge at the top of the loop, and then back to the Upper Trailhead.
Link to trail map. |

Information sign: Mount Charleston Blue Butterfly (view N) |
The Hike
For details of the start of the trail, see Bristlecone Trail Loop (Counter-Clockwise, Segment 1). The following two paragraphs provide a synopsis of the first 3 miles of the hike.
From Lower Bristlecone Trailhead (Table 1, Waypoint 15), the trail runs north past a gate following Scout Canyon Road. Following the old road, the trail heads north climbing at a gradual, but constant grade into the forest. Eventually, the trail bends left to head more westerly into Scout Canyon. At about 1.18 miles out, the trail follows the road to the left around a big hairpin turn (Wpt. 14) as continues up the slope now heading generally southeast.
At about 1.98 miles out, the trail turns due south and runs through a large roadcut (Wpt. 13) in the crest of Scout Ridge. Emerging from the confines of the roadcut, hikers suddenly see the grand expanse that is the south side of Lee Canyon. At about 2.96 miles out, the Bristlecone Trail reaches a junction with the Bonanza Trail (Wpt. 13), which is marked by two wooden directional signs and an information sign about rare butterflies. |

Bristlecone Loop Trail directional sign with distances (view NW) |
At about 2.96 miles out, the Bristlecone Trail reaches a wide spot in the road where the trail forks (Wpt. 12). The trail junction is marked by two wooden directional signs and an information sign about rare butterflies.
Here, the Bonanza Trail forks to the right on a regular forest trail and switchbacks up the ridge to the crest of the Spring Mountains, then heads north for about 12 miles to the old Bonanza Boy Scout Camp above the town of Cold Creek.
Continuing, the Bristlecone Trail follows the Scout Canyon Road as it bends to the left and starts to wind southward around the upper reaches of Lee Canyon still maintaining a gentle grade. At about 3.22 miles out, however, the roadbed is suddenly not so smooth, and the grade is not so gentle (Wpt. 11). This is the end of the finished Scout Canyon Road, the last bit of graded road constructed before men were called away to support the WWII war effort.
The road steepens, narrows, and at about 3.26 miles out, ends entirely (Wpt. 10). Cables, culvert pipe, and bits of construction debris remain in the area supporting the idea of an abrupt end to construction work. |

Bristlecone Loop Trail continuing past Bonanza Trail (view SW) |
The trail continues as a narrow, winding, dirt forest trail (i.e., a normal trail in the mountains) generally heading south. Winding in and out of little side canyons around the upper reaches of McWilliams Canyon, the trail climbs at mostly easy grades to a rocky point (Wpt. 09), which at 9,400 ft, is the highest point on the trail.
From the rocky point (Wpt. 09), the trail continues winding in and out of little side canyons as it contours eastward around the back of McWilliams Canyon. There are some narrow sections of trail on this slope, so keep an eye on the kids. Also, the snow lingers in this area, so watch for ice during winter.
Eventually, the trail contours off the steep side slopes onto the top of Highpoint Ridge (Wpt. 08; 3.62 miles out). This is a broad, flattish area (9,360 ft elevation) with lots of ancient trees, including ancient Bristlecone Pines and what appear to be equally ancient Limber Pine. |
In this area, hikers are invited to sit in the shade, eat lunch, and experience an open forest of starkly beautiful, ancient Bristlecone Pines. Many of the trees here are the twisted and tortured carcasses of trees that lived and died long ago. This area provides perhaps the easiest place to photograph such trees in the Spring Mountains. More photogenic examples can be found higher in the mountains, but these are fairly easy to access. While exploring this area, be careful and try not to trample the belly flowers. Also note that some of the ancient twisted trees here are actually Limber Pine rather than Bristlecone.
Upon departing Highpoint Ridge, a spur trail (Wpt. 07) forks to the left and climbs 35 steep yards to a rocky knob (9,360 ft elevation) with great views of the surrounding mountains. Although the views to the north, east, and south are grand, better shade and better sitting rocks can be found back on Highpoint Ridge.
Back on the Bristlecone Trail (Wpt. 07), hikers descend Highpoint Ridge until switchbacking to the right. The tip of the switchback provides the last grand view to the east before the trail drops into the trees. Past the switchback, the trail descends across the hillside into what are now the upper reaches of Lee Canyon, proper. |
The descent off Highpoint Ridge is some of the steepest trail on the entire hike. Before long, however, the trail passes a nice sitting log on the right, and thereafter the grade eases as the trail descends gently across the hillside towards the bottom of Lee Canyon.
At about 4.34 miles out, the trail reaches Lee Canyon Wash (Wpt. 06), although it doesn't really look like it. In the wash, Old Bristlecone Trail forks to the right (making a triangular intersection) and heads up the wash. This trail climbs steeply to the crest of the Spring Mountain Range and connects with the Bonanza Trail.
The Bristlecone Trail bends left and starts down Lee Canyon through an open area full of Quaking Aspen that can be beautiful in the fall. In this area, at about 4.54 miles out, use-trails (Wpt. 05) fork to the left and head up onto a hill where there are some nice picnic spots (something to remember for another time). |
In this part of Lee Canyon, which often feels quite cool and moist, the trail runs beneath the canopy of a dense mixed forest consisting of Ponderosa Pine, White Fir, Limber Pine, and Quaking Aspen. At knee level, Common Juniper is common too, although it is generally a rare species in our area.
Continuing down along Lee Canyon Wash, hikers encounter the first of two switchbacks (4.73 miles out). The trail switchbacks to the left and drops into the bottom of the wash where the second switches right and continues down the canyon.
In a few yards, the trail passes an historical spring (Wpt. 04) that used to provide water for wildlife and birds. With climate change and the drying of our environment, the spring may never again produce water.
Below the spring, there is some multiple trailing, but all trails lead down the wash.
At about 4.96 miles out, the trail crosses Lee Canyon Wash and forks (Wpt. 03). Here, the Bristlecone Trail stays to the left and crosses to the north side of the wash, while a trail to the ski resort continues down the wash. |
From this point, the trail mostly contours across the sideslope while the bottom of the canyon drops away to eventually provide an elevated view of the ski resort buildings. The last quaking aspen are in this area, and hikers encounter a metal fence along the left side of the trail. The fence is intended to protect habitat for endangered butterflies that live here. Soon, there is also fencing on the right side of the trail, and from there the fencing runs all the way to the trailhead.
At an information sign about the endemic butterflies (Wpt. 02), the trail bends to the left and begins heading more directly towards the trailhead. There are several more information signs along this part of the trail where people can learn more about the environment and the butterflies.
Eventually, the trail runs directly above vehicles parked at the trailhead and then drops rather steeply on a rocky trail to the pavement and the end of the official trail at the Upper Bristlecone Trailhead (Wpt. 01; 5.39 miles out). |
From the Upper Bristlecone Trailhead (Wpt. 01), hikers can follow the pavement (Lee Canyon Road) down past McWilliams Campground to the access road for Lower Bristlecone Trailhead (Wpt. 16). The gravel access road leads back into the Lower Bristlecone Trailhead parking area (Wpt. 15; 6.31 miles).
Alternatively, from the Upper Bristlecone Trailhead (Wpt. 01), hikers can shortcut the roadway switchbacks using any of several steep use-trails that descend northwest from the helicopter landing area at the end of the pavement. They can then follow Lee Canyon Road (Wpt. 17) downhill past McWilliams Campground to the Lower Bristlecone Trailhead turnoff (Wpt. 16), and then finally follow the gravel access road back into the Lower Bristlecone Trailhead parking area (Wpt. 15; 5.89 miles). |
Table 1. Hiking Coordinates Based on GPS Data (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download hiking GPS Waypoints (*.gpx) file.
Wpt. |
Location |
UTM Easting |
UTM Northing |
Elevation (ft) |
Point-to-Point Distance (mi) |
Cumulative Distance (mi) |
15 |
Lower Bristlecone Trailhead |
618806 |
4019182 |
8,479 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
14 |
Scout Canyon Road Hairpin Turn |
617435 |
4019696 |
8,867 |
1.18 |
1.18 |
13 |
Roadcut |
618381 |
4019418 |
9,075 |
0.80 |
1.98 |
12 |
Bonanza Trail Junction |
617104 |
4019061 |
9,276 |
0.98 |
2.96 |
11 |
End of Scout Canyon Road |
616946 |
4018721 |
9,345 |
0.26 |
3.22 |
10 |
End of Historical Construction |
616935 |
4018663 |
9,347 |
0.04 |
3.26 |
09 |
Highest Spot on Trail |
617096 |
4018462 |
9,396 |
0.26 |
3.52 |
08 |
Highpoint Ridge |
617238 |
4018415 |
9,375 |
0.10 |
3.62 |
07 |
Trail to Highpoint Knob |
617310 |
4018437 |
9,336 |
0.06 |
3.68 |
06 |
Old Bristlecone Trail Junction |
617575 |
4017766 |
9,102 |
0.66 |
4.34 |
05 |
Trail to Camps |
617814 |
4017860 |
8,998 |
0.20 |
4.54 |
04 |
Small Spring |
618063 |
4017976 |
8,895 |
0.23 |
4.77 |
03 |
Trail to Ski Shack |
618323 |
4018082 |
8,820 |
0.19 |
4.96 |
02 |
Ski Resort Overlook |
618558 |
4018281 |
8,782 |
0.20 |
5.16 |
01 |
Upper Bristlecone Trailhead |
618755 |
4018565 |
8,690 |
0.23 |
5.39 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Return Via Use-Trails |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
01 |
Upper Bristlecone Trailhead |
618755 |
4018565 |
8,690 |
0.00 |
5.39 |
17 |
Use-Trail from Upper Trailhead |
618631 |
4018632 |
8,548 |
0.10 |
5.49 |
16 |
Access Road |
618829 |
4019054 |
8,468 |
0.32 |
5.81 |
15 |
Lower Bristlecone Trailhead |
618806 |
4019182 |
8,479 |
0.08 |
5.89 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Return Via Lee Canyon Road |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
01 |
Upper Bristlecone Trailhead |
618755 |
4018565 |
8,690 |
0.00 |
5.39 |
17 |
Lee Canyon Road |
618631 |
4018632 |
8,548 |
0.54 |
5.93 |
16 |
Access Road |
618829 |
4019054 |
8,468 |
0.30 |
6.23 |
15 |
Lower Bristlecone Trailhead |
618806 |
4019182 |
8,479 |
0.08 |
6.31 |