Bedrock in the road is a surprise coming back down (view SE) |

Crossing Round Valley (view S) |

Turnoff to Windmill primitive camp area (view SW) |

Approaching Wild Horse Road - north end (view S) |

Wild Horse Road - north end (view W from Black Canyon Road) |

Road sign: Black Canyon Road at Wild Horse Road |

Road sign: Wild Horse Road at Black Canyon Road |

Black Canyon Road approaching a cattle guard (view S) |

Black Canyon Road at a cattle guard (view S) |

Dropping into Black Canyon (view S) |

Watch for wildlife on the road ... |

... but don't annoy them too much! (Mojave "Green" Rattlesnake) |

Rocky bumps in Black Canyon (view S) |

Washboarded road in Black Canyon (view S) |

Road crosses Black Canyon Wash (view S) |

Crossing Gold Valley (view S) |

Black Canyon Road (view S) |

Black Canyon Road approaching a cattle guard (view S) |

Black Canyon Road at a cattle guard (view S) |

Black Canyon Road (view S) |

Start of the pavement (view S) |

Approaching Hole-in-the-Wall Campground (view S) |

Hole-in-the-Wall Campground sign (view S) |

Hole-in-the-Wall Campground sign (view S) |

Approaching Hole-in-the-Wall Visitor Center Road (view S) |

Arriving at Hole-in-the-Wall Visitor Center Road (view S) |

Hole-in-the-Wall Visitor Center sign (view S) |

Hole-in-the-Wall Visitor Center sign (view S) |

Hole-in-the-Wall Visitor Center Rd (view W from Black Canyon Rd) |

Hole-in-the-Wall Fire Station Rd (view E from Black Canyon Rd) |

Hole-in-the-Wall Fire Station sign (view N) |

Approaching Wild Horse Road - south end (view S) |

Wild Horse Road - south end (view W from Black Canyon Road) |

Well-paved road runs into Fenner Valley (view S) |

Black Canyon Road mostly runs straight and smooth (view SSW) |

Well-paved road crossing Fenner Valley (view SSW) |

Black Canyon Road approaching Mitchell Caverns sign |

Sign: Mitchell Caverns to the right (view S) |

Approaching intersection with Essex Road (view SSW) |

Black Canyon Rd at Exxex Rd; turning left towards I-40 (view SSW) |

Black Canyon Rd at Exxex Rd; turning right towards Mitchell Caverns |

Street signs: Black Canyon Road and Exxex Road |