Main old road approaching dip into saddle (view WNW) |

Main old road approaching dip into saddle (view NW) |

Main old road at the saddle (view NW) |

Main old road atop the next ridgeline (view SW) |

Main old road approaching intersection with faint old road (view SW) |

Grand view from ridgeline (view WSW) |

Grand view from ridgeline (view WNW) |

Main old road approaching end of the ridge (view W) |

Main old road at the end of the flat ridge (view SW) |

Main old road dropping steeply along ridgeline (view NW) |

Descending not-so-steeply towards sandstone crag |

Rehabilitated old road (please don't use as shortcut; view N) |

Main old road drops steeply off ridgeline (view NW towards crags) |

Detour to top of sandstone crags (view NW) |

Detour to top of sandstone crags (view NW) |

Notice fossils in the limestone boulders (view down) |

Detour to top of sandstone crags drops into cleft (view NW) |

Route exits narrow gorge to the left (view N) |

Approaching northern highpoint atop the sandstone crags (view N) |
Atop the sandstone crags (view NE towards trailhead) |

Atop the sandstone crags (view SE towards main old road) |

Exiting the sandstone crags (view SE) |

Route exits back up narrow gorge (view S) |

Beyond the cleft, the route returns to the main old road (view SE) |

Route rejoins old main road (view SW) |

Old main road approaching Y-intersection (view NW) |

Old main road at Y-intersection (view NW) |

Old main road continues downhill (view NW) |

Passing the ancient campsite (view NE) |

Main old road stays right at faint fork in the road (view NE) |

Approaching the toe of the crag (view NE) |

Old main road returning to open road at toe of the crag (view NE) |

Open road at toe of the crag (view NE) |

Road continues straight past side road (view E) |

Bottom of the shortcut (don't use this rehabilitated old road) |

Road bends left and drop towards broad wash (view NE) |

Road approaching main wash (view N) |

Road winds across broad wash (view N) |

Road winds across broad wash (view NE) |

Road approaching First Rock Campground area (view NE) |

Returning to First Rock Campground Road (view NE) |

Passing agave roasting pit on the right (view NE) |

Returning to the trailhead (view NE) |

More to come ... |