Departing the summit (view W along ridge) |

Descending towards enormous boulder (view NW) |

Passing enormous boulder (view N) |

Descending steep hillside (view N) |

Descending steep hillside (view N) |

Descending steep hillside; staying left of boulder field (view N) |

Angling down and across steep north facing sideslopes (view NE) |

Crossing steep sideslopes aiming for the North Ridge (view NE) |

Better to avoid descending steeply the north gully (view N) |

Crossing steep sideslopes below lowest rock outcrop (view NE) |

Arriving back on North Ridge (view NE) |

Passing left of large white boulders (view N) |

Joshua Tree growing back after the fire (view N) |

Descending North Ridge (view N) |

Descending North Ridge; stay right of upcoming crags (view N) |

Descending North Ridge (view N) |

Descending broad left side of North Ridge (view N) |

Returning past the second mining cairn (others are off route) |

Starting off North Ridge into broad gully with penstemon (view NE) |

Passing first mining claim cairn (view N) |

Descending canyon towards spring (view N) |

Entering dense vegetation at the spring (view N) |

Descending old road past Snowflake Mine (view N) |

Descending old road past Snowflake Mine (view N) |

Descending old road with lots of flowers (view E) |

Arriving at the trailhead (view N) |