Departing Maricopa Point bus stop |

Rim Trail starts off into the woods |

Information sign about the Orphan Mine |

Trail runs outside the Orphan Mine fence |

The sign says "rehabilitated," but the radioactive waste is not |

Passing the Orphan Mine |

Approaching Powell Point Trail |

Powell Point Trail runs a few hundred yards to the monument |

View into the Grand Canyon |

Passing Powell Point bus stop |

Rim Trail departs Powell Point on the road |

Trail departs the roadway and goes to rocky dirt |

Dirt trail runs onto pavement at Hopi Point parking area |

Walking out to Hopi Point |

Hopi Point sign |

Grand views from Hopi Point |

Grand views from Hopi Point |

Grand views from Hopi Point |

Info sign about Condor nest on Battleship Rock |

Location of Condor nest on Battleship Rock |

Trail departing Hopi Point |

The Rim Trail at the point is paved |

Rim Trail goes to dirt |

Rim Trail mileage sign |

Bench with a view -- good place for a quite rest |

The trail gets pinched out and is forced onto the roadway |

Shortly, the Rim Trail cuts back into the trees |

Nice dirt trail with a view |

Grand views into the canyon |

Picnic table with a view |

Rim Trail goes onto pavement at Mohave Point |

Approaching Mohave Point bus stop |

Mohave Point viewpoint |

Grand view from Mohave Point |