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Havasupai Garden Campground and Day-Use Area
Hiking Around Las Vegas,
Grand Canyon National Park |

Havasupai Garden Campground (view S) |
Havasupai Garden Campground
Havasupai Garden (IG) Campground lies nestled between canyon walls about 4.6 miles and 2/3rds of the way to the bottom of the Grand Canyon along the Bright Angel Trail. Tall cottonwood trees and moderate amounts of shrubby vegetation between campsites provide some privacy. Shrubby vegetation also provides some privacy from hikers and mule trains on the Bright Angel Trail, but hikers might want to choose sites higher on the hillside away from the trail. Backpackers reserve a space, but not a specific site, with their overnight permit, so hikers arriving late might find few choices.
There are about 30 campsites, and each has a covered picnic table, a pole for hanging backpacks out or reach of ground squirrels, and a metal ammo "food storage" boxes or two for storing food and other items that the critters might want to taste. Composting toilets are located at the south and north ends of the campground, and a couple of water faucets are scattered about.
Link to map or official NPS website. |

Havasupai Garden Campsite on the side of the hill (view S) |
A ranger station (with outdoor "self rescue" supplies) and emergency phone is located at the south edge of the campground.
Day hike destinations include Plateau Point with panoramic views of the Colorado River.
When hiking down to the campground, hikers see the ranger station and then arrive at a trail junction to the left that leads into the camp area. A few yards down this trail, hikers find another trail junction. To the left, a short trail leads back to the ranger station, straight ahead a short trail leads to the nearby composting toilets, and the right leads down into the campground.
When hiking up to the campground, hikers pass the day-use area and then arrive at a trail junction to the right that leads into the camp area. A few 10s of yards up this trail, hikers arrive in the lower end of the campground. A composting toilet sits on the hillside to the right and the camps are spread out ahead on both sides of the campground trail. |
Havasupai Garden is an interesting place with a long history. The area was originally settled by Native Americans who farmed the area. Later, the area was taken over for a tourist camp that was run by an unsavory character. The Park Service took it over, cleaned up the area, and developed a ranger station, trail crew quarters (corrals and bunkhouses), and a campground. |
Havasupai Garden Campground

Hiker arriving at Welcome to Havasupai Garden sign (view NW) |

Welcome to Havasupai Garden sign with area map (view NW) |

Havasupai Garden Campground area map |

Havasupai Garden Day-Use area map |

Bright Angel Trail at edge of Havasupai Garden Area (view N) |

Information sign (view NW) |

Bright Angel Trail at Havasupai Garden Campground Trail (view N) |

Sign at the trail junction (view N) |

Sign at Ranger Station, Campground, Toilets trail junction (view S) |

Trail into campground runs past southern toilets (view NW) |

Southern toilets (view NW) |

Four seater with water nearby (view NW) |

Havasupai Garden Campsites (view E) |

Havasupai Garden Information kiosk (view E) |

Havasupai Garden Information kiosk and water faucet (view NE) |

Water faucet (view E) |

Water faucet (view SE) |

Another water faucet (view SE) |

Havasupai Garden Campsite |

Havasupai Garden Campsites |
Havasupai Garden Ranger Station

Near camp south entrance, trail to Ranger Station (view S) |

Sign at trail junction (view S) |

Ranger Station (left) and Ranger Residence (right; view S) |

Ranger Station (view SE) |

Self-Rescue supplies and emergency phone on front porch |

Self-Rescue supplies (food, first aid) in ammo boxes |

NPS helicopter bringing in supplies |

NPS helicopter bringing in supplies |
Day-Use Area

Bright Angel Trail at lower campground trail (view N) |

Complicated trail sign at junction (view N) |

Simple trail sign at junction (view E) |

Hiker passing covered picnic shelter (view N) |

Covered picnic shelter (view S) |

Visitor contact station; amphitheater beyond 2nd building (view SW) |

Visitor contact station open for reading |

Hiker passing day-use toilets (view N) |

Side trail to day-use toilets (view N) |

Hiker approaching main day-use area (view N) |

Hikers resting by water faucet (view E) |

day-use area information kiosk (view E) |

Hopeful monster (Common Raven) looking for a handout |

Directional sign at main day-use area (view N) |

Hiker at Bright Angel -- Plateau Point trail junction (view N) |

Plateau Point Trail (view W) |

Plateau Point Trail sign (view W) |

More directional signs and thermometer (view N) |

Hiker on Bright Angel Trail passing pumphouse (view NE) |

Trans-Canyon Water Pipeline information sign (view NE) |

Hiker on BA Trail passing last Havasupai Garden sign (view NE) |

Last Havasupai Garden sign (view SW) |
Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
; Last updated 240326