Highway 93, approaching Mormon Well Road (view N) |

Mormon Well Road at Highway 93 (view W) |

Departing Highway 93 (view W) |

Approaching power poles (view W) |

Passing power poles (view SW) |

Approaching Desert National Wildlife Refuge boundary (view SW) |

Desert National Wildlife Refuge boundary sign on the left (view W) |

Approaching Desert National Wildlife Refuge sign (view SW) |

Desert National Wildlife Refuge sign (view SW) |

Approaching Desert NWR information and welcome sign (view SW) |

Desert NWR information: Take Precaution; area map (view W) |

Information sign: Take Precaution (it doesn't weight anything) |

Desert NWR welcome sign (view SW) |

Approaching a regulatory sign (view SW) |

Regulatory sign: no plinking or target shooting (view SW) |

Mormon Well Road continues up the bajada (view SW) |

Approaching a regulatory sign (view SW) |

Regulatory sign: only street legal vehicles (view SW) |

Approaching a regulatory sign (view SW) |

Regulatory sign: drive on roads only (view SW) |

Approaching a regulatory sign (view SW) |

Regulatory sign: no ATVs(view SW) |

Approaching Elbow Canyon (view W) |

Starting into Elbow Canyon (view W) |

The road starts in on the north side of Elbow Canyon Wash (view W) |

A place to park, but not a good campsite (view W) |

Crossing Elbow Canyon Wash (view NW) |

Crossing the "side wash" to Elbow Canyon Wash (view NW) |

The road bends left into the "side canyon" (view W) |

Heading up the Elbow Canyon "side canyon" (view S) |

Continuing up the Elbow Canyon "side canyon" (view S) |

Continuing up the Elbow Canyon "side canyon" (view S) |

Climbing steeply out of Elbow Canyon "side canyon" (view SW) |

Atop pass exiting the Elbow Canyon "side canyon" (view SW) |

Mormon Well Rd crossing broad alluvial fan below Sawmill Canyon |

Mormon Well Rd crossing broad alluvial fan below Sawmill Canyon |

Mormon Well Rd climbing towards Sawmill Canyon (view SW) |

Road forks to scenic overlook (view W) |

Roads merge after scenic overlook (view W) |

Yellow gate marking entrance into Sawmill Canyon (view W) |

Road climbs onto the sidehill above Sawmill Canyon gorge (view W) |

Narrow road on sidehill above Sawmill Canyon gorge (view W) |

Sign: Caution -- flash flood area (view W) |

Narrow road drops into Sawmill Canyon Wash (view NW) |

Sawmill Canyon Wash (view NW) |

Sawmill Canyon Wash bends left (view NW) |

Mormon Well Road approaching Sawmill Canyon Road (view SW) |

Mormon Well Road at Sawmill Canyon Road (view SW) |