Desert Dry Lake Dunes North trailhead parking (view E) |

Low-impact campsite at the trailhead (view SE) |

Desert Dry Lake Dunes North trailhead sign (view SE; dry year) |

Desert Dry Lake Dunes North trailhead sign (view SE; wet year) |

Departing the trailhead (view SE) |

A short way out the trail (view SE) |

Trail to the dunes (view SE) |

Old road serves as the trail (view SE) |

Old road serves as the trail (view SE) |

End of the old road (view SE) |

Hiking into the dunes (view E) |

Hiking into the dunes (view E) |

Hikers in the dunes (view E) |

Hikers in the dunes (view E) |
Hikers in a dune swale (view NW) |

Outdoor Nevada film crew in the dunes |

Outdoor Nevada film crew in the dunes |

Outdoor Nevada film crew in the dunes |

On the dunes (view NW) |

On the dunes (view NW) |

On the dunes (view NW) |

On the dunes (view E) |

On the dunes (view S) |

On the dunes (view NW) |

On the dunes (view W) |

Side of the highest dune (view S) |

Crest of the highest dune (view NW) |

Crest of the highest dune (view NW) |

Selfie atop crest of the highest dune (view NW) |

Crest of the highest dune (view NW) |

Dunefield (view NW towards trailhead) |

Dunefield (view W) |

Crest of the dunes (view NW) |

More to come ... |

Hikers high in the dunes |

Sand blowing off the crest of the dune (view S) |

Behind the dunes (view NW) |

Behind the dunes (view W) |

Behind the dunes (view W) |

Behind the dunes (view NW) |

Behind the dunes (view W) |

Behind the dunes (view NW) |

Sunset on the dunes (view SE) |

Sunset on the dunes (view SE) |

Sunset on the dunes (view S) |

Sunset on the dunes (view W) |

Patterns in the wind-blown sand |

Patterns in the wind-blown sand |

Cloudy day at the dunes |

Cloudy day at the dunes |

Cloudy day at the dunes |

Cloudy day at the dunes |

Cloudy day at the dunes |

Cloudy day at the dunes |

Trail at base of the dunes (view NW from top of the dunes) |

Trail at base of the dunes (view NW from starting into the dunes) |

Dune vegetation |

Dune beetle |

Transmontane Sand Verbena (Abronia turbinata) |

Transmontane Sand Verbena (Abronia turbinata) flower |

Oenothera deltoides (birdcage evening primrose) |

Astragalus sp. (milkvetch) |

Baileya pleniradiata (woolly desert marigold) |

Transmontane Sand Verbena (Abronia turbinata) |

Achnatherum hymenoides (Sand Ricegrass) |

Cryptantha sp. (forget me not), Sand Ricegrass, and others |

Malacothrix sonchoides (sowthistle desertdandelion) |

Malacothrix sonchoides (sowthistle desertdandelion) |

Psorothamnus fremontii (indigo bush) with exposed taproot |

Gilia sp. (gilia) |

Baileya pleniradiata (woolly desert marigold) and others |

Androstephium breviflorum (pink funnel lily) |

Dune spider |

Dune spider (zoom) |

Tracks in the sand |

Tracks in the sand |

Tracks in the sand |

Tracks in the sand |

Tracks in the sand |

Tracks in the sand |

Dune swale with mud deposit |

Dune swale with Desert Kangaroo Rat burrow under mud deposit |

Returning towards the trailhead (view NW) |

Returning to the trailhead (view NW) |