Caution sign: Use caution near the edge (view NE) |

Caution sign: Use caution near the edge (view NE) |

It would be a long tumble into Big Ubehebe Crater (view NE)! |

Ubehebe Trail runs on edge of crater (view S) |

Don't tumble into the crater (view NE)! |

From crater rim, gentle terrain outside the crater (view W) |

Looking back: trail runs on lip of the crater (view N) |

Ubehebe Trail continues along edge of crater (view S) |

Grand view into Big Ubehebe Crater (view NE) |

Ubehebe Trail approaching a small crater (view S) |

Mud flat in the bottom of small crater (view SW) |

Trail continues out of the small crater (view SE) |

Trail junction: Little Hebe Trail stays right (view S) |

Ubehebe Crater Loop Trail stays left (view SE) |

Ubehebe Trail continues along the rim (view E) |

Ubehebe Crater (view NE from Ubehebe Trail) |

Hiker on trail across the crater (view NE from Ubehebe Trail) |

Little Hebe Crater (view W from Ubehebe Trail) |

Big Ubehebe Crater (view NE from Ubehebe Trail) |

Ubehebe Crater Trail ahead in the distance (view NE from trail) |

Ubehebe Crater Trail; stay left a fork (view NE) |

Ubehebe Crater Trail crossing steep slope (view NE) |

Hiker ahead on Ubehebe Crater Trail (view NE) |

Grand view (view NW from Ubehebe Crater Trail) |

Grand view including trailhead (view NW from Ubehebe Crater Trail) |

Zoom: Ubehebe Trailhead (view NW from Ubehebe Crater Trail) |

Grand view (view NE from Ubehebe Crater Trail) |

Trail continues across gentle slopes (view NE) |

Trail continues across gentle slopes (view NE) |

Trail continues across gentle slopes (view NE) |

Trail runs back to the crater rim (view N) |

Trail continues across gentle slopes (view NE) |

Trail runs back to the crater rim (view N) |

Grand view (view SW from Ubehebe Crater Trail) |

Lonely Creosote Bush growing on the crater rim (view NW) |

From the local high point, trail continues down along rim (view NW) |

The trailhead can be seen in the distance (view NW; zoom) |

Another nice view into the crater bottom (view SW) |

Muddy pond in the bottom of the crater (view SW; zoom) |

Interesting layers on the far side of the crater (view SW) |

Interesting layers on the far side of the crater (view SW; zoom) |

Interesting layers on the far side of the crater (view SW; zoom) |

Trail continues along crater rim (view NW) |

Trail runs along crater rim (view NW) |

Another lonely Creosote Bush on the crater rim (view NW) |

Trail continues along crater rim; trailhead in near distance (view NW) |

Another nice view into the crater bottom (view S) |

Hiker on trail at the crater-bottom pond (view S; zoom) |

Trail continues along crater rim (view NW) |

Crater-bottom Trail comes into view (view NW) |

Trail continues along crater rim (view NW) |

Desert Holly dot the black, volcanic soils along the trail (view E) |

After descending from local high point, trail climbs again (view W) |

Climbing toward junction with Crater-bottom Trail (view W) |

Arriving at junction with Crater-bottom Trail (view SW) |

Junction with Crater-bottom Trail (view W) |

Ubehebe Crater-bottom Trail (view S from Loop Trail) |

Trail continues climbing past the trail junction (view SW) |

Trail returns to the crater rim (view SW) |

Nearing the trailhead, trail parallels Ubehebe Crater Road (view SW) |

It becomes easier to hike on the pavement (view SW) |

Ubehebe Crater Loop Trail returning to the trailhead (view SW) |