Highland North Road drops through a steep-sided wash (view S) |

Highland Range North Road (view S) |

Highland Range North Road winding over low hills (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road curving across the hillside (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road curving back to the south (view E) |

Highland Range North Road (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road approaching the next curve (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road at a high point (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road winding down off the hill (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road dropping towards desert flats (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road crossing desert flats (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road at a rocky curve (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road crossing desert flats (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road crossing desert flats (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road crossing desert flats (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road approaching signs (view SE) |

Road enters the Boulder City Conservation Area (view S) |

Designated road #L25 |

Highland Range North Road climbing into the hills (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road climbing into the hills (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road climbing into the hills (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road at a short, rocky spot (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road begins climbing into the hills (view S) |

Highland Range North Road climbing into the hills (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road climbing into the hills (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road climbing into the hills (view SE) |

High point on Highland Range North Road (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road descending into the valley (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road forks for no apparent reason (view SE) |

The right fork crosses a cattle guard, but the left does not (view SE) |

The two forms merge again (view SE) |

Approaching a BLM Limited Use Area sign (view SE) |

Exiting the Boulder City Conservation Area (view SE) |

Highland Range North Road continues (view S) |

Highland Range North Rd bends left at a 4-way intersection (view S) |

Highland Range North Road curving left (view S) |

Highland Range North Road heads out across Eldorado Valley (view E) |

Highland Range No. Rd approaching Highland Range East Rd (view E) |

Highland Range North Road continues across Eldorado Valley (view E) |

Highland Range North Road (view E) |

Approaching an overly signed restoration area (view E) |

Highland Range North Road (view E) |

Crossing one of many little washes (view E) |

Each power tower has a work pad (view E) |

Power-tower work pads make nice campsites (view NE) |

Crossing a larger, sometimes sandy wash (view E) |

Approaching another power-tower work pad (view E) |

Power-tower work pads make nice campsites (view NE) |

Approaching another sandy wash (view E) |

Crossing the big sandy wash (view E) |

Highland Range North Road (view E) |

Highland Range North Road (view E) |

Approaching another sandy wash (view E) |

Highland Range North Rd approaching an information kiosk (view E) |

Information kiosk and parking area (view E) |

The parking area makes a U around the power tower (view E) |

Gasline road along outside of highway fence (view E) |

Highland Range North Rd at cattle guard in highway fence (view E) |

Highland Range North Rd approaching a stop sign (view E) |

Highland Range North Rd ends at stop sign (view E) |

Southbound Highway 95 and clear median strip (view E) |