Trailhead parking (view E) |

Hiker walking through the trailhead gate (view E) |

General information signs |

Archeological information sign |

Hiker in the wide mouth of the canyon (view E) |

Wall with many petroglyphs (view NE) |

A narrow spot that separates the upper and lower areas (view E) |

Pictograph under a boulder |

Pictograph under a boulder |

Entering the upper part of the canyon (view E) |

Messages on the wall |

Continuing into the upper part of the canyon (view E) |

Approaching the end of the canyon (view E) |

Hiker approaching end of the canyon (view E) |

Nicely sculpted and polished granite (view E) |

Approaching end of the canyon; route turns corner (view E) |

Hiker at end of canyon; we're not climbing that one today (view E) |

Hiker below the pour-over (view E) |

Water dripping down the rock (view up) |

Narrow slot in the pour-over (view up) |

Base of the pour-over, starting back down (view N) |

Hiker exiting the end of the canyon (view SW) |

Hiker heading back down (view SW) |

Upper part of the canyon, heading down (view W) |

Route passes right of boulder (view SW) |

Top of the boulder (view SW) |

Narrows that separates the upper and lower sections (view W) |

Returning to the trailhead (view W) |