China Ranch sign and historical information |
China Ranch Date Farm is, in fact, a working date farm. A spring-fed stream supports the date orchard, plus acres of mesquite thickets and cottonwood trees. The trees and water bring in lots of interesting birds, and the landowners graciously invite birders to wander the grounds, spot some good birds, enjoy the stark scenery, and of course, relax in the cool shade while eating a date shake or some fresh-baked date bread.
China Ranch is a spot of green amid an astoundingly arid piece of desert. This isn't a birding destination, but rather a place to stop along the highway and see a few birds before driving on to somewhere else. I like to bird China Ranch for a few minutes on the way to or from Death Valley.
Link to area map. |

A birder spotting something interesting |
China Ranch is located about 1.5 hours west of Las Vegas. The easiest way to get there from Las Vegas is to drive out of the Las Vegas valley on Highway 160 to Old Spanish Trail Highway and then to Tecopa where signs direct visitors to the date farm. For details, see Getting to China Ranch.
Day-use only.
None, but show your appreciation for access to the ranch property by, at the least, buying a date shake. |

Mixed date and fruit trees in the orchard |
Hiking Trails
Several hiking trails start by the Gift Shop. Good birding trails are the Creek Trail, a short stroll along the creek, and the Slot Canyon Trail, a long trail that runs down to and along the Amargosa River. The other trails might be interesting, but not so much for birdwatching.
This is an area to look for resident, migrant, and breeding birds. Keep an eye out for resident species such as Gambel's Quail, Cooper's Hawk, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Greater Roadrunner, Common Raven, Say's Phoebe, Verdin, Phainopepla, House Finch, and Anna's Hummingbird. During the breeding season, watch for Bell's Vireo, Blue Grosbeak, Lucy's Warbler, Orchard Oriole, and Brown-crested Flycatcher.
Link to eBird site checklist. |

China Ranch Gift Shop and Bakery |

Historic vehicle and buildings |

Yes! |

New and old date orchards |

Information sign along Creek Trail |

Birder on the Creek Trail |

Looking for fish, frogs, snails, and ... |

oh my, what is that in the water? |

Somebody has a sense of humor |

Female Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard on a cottonwood tree |

Orchard |

Orchard |

Date orchard |

Mixed cottonwood, willow, and mesquite trees |

Bullock's Oriole |

Fruit and other trees |

Amargosa River trailhead |

Detail of the trailhead sign |

Gate on Amargosa River trail |

Dense thicket of mesquite |

Amargosa River trail |

Male Phainopepla in a honey mesquite tree |

Alternate start to the Amargosa River trail |

Trail through dense mesquite thicket |

Waterfall along the trail |

Lucy's Warbler in a honey mesquite tree |

Mesa Trail sign |

Mesa trail climbing onto the mesa top |

New date orchard along the access road |

Up-canyon: closed to the public, but lots of bird habitat |