Gate and footpath to Fairbanks Spring (view SE) |
Fairbanks Spring is located at the base of low hills at the northern edge of the Refuge. From a large springpool surrounded by arrowweed bushes, water flows south into a stream and then into a broad marshy area. Screwbean mesquite trees grow near the spring and along the outflow stream. Farther down the stream, a number of cottonwood trees, ash trees, and mesquite trees provide habitat for perching birds. The surrounding area is dry, sparsely vegetated Mojave Desert Scrub with creosote bush and white bursage. |

Fairbanks Springpool (view NW) |
Fairbanks Spring is located on the Ash Meadows National Wildlife, about 2 hours northwest of Las Vegas and about 5 air-miles north of the Visitor Center.
Fairbanks Spring is accessible from the south (the main refuge area) by foot (1.5-mile hike, one way) or from the north via Imvite Road (30-second walk). Either way, from Las Vegas, drive out to the Ash Meadows Visitor Center (Table 1, Site 1588).
To visit Fairbanks Spring on foot from the Visitor Center, drive west on Spring Meadows Road for 0.3 miles to Longstreet Road. Angle right onto Longstreet Road and drive north (actually northwest here) on the well-graded road for about 4.6 miles to Rogers Spring (Site 1297). Park here, then walk past the gate and continue 1.5 miles up the closed Longstreet Road to Fairbanks Marsh and then to Fairbanks Spring. |

Fairbanks Springpool (view W) |
To get to the springpool, follow the outflow stream up through the marsh (can be wet and muddy) or continue walking north on the road to a gate at the refuge boundary and finally a T-intersection with Imvite Road (Site 0979). Turn right onto Imvite Road and continue east for 50-60 yards to a sign and parking area on the right (south) side of the road (Site 1305). Walk through a narrow gate (gap in the fence) and continue southeast for less than 1 minute to the spring pool (Site 0696). |

Outflow stream (view SE) |
To drive all the way to Fairbanks Spring, from the Visitor Center, drive west on Spring Meadows Road, exit the Wildlife Refuge, and drive out to Highway 373 (Site 0690). Turn right and drive north 0.9 miles to Imvite Road (Site 1304). Turn right onto the graded-dirt Imvite Road and drive east, then northeast, for 5.4 miles to Longstreet Road (Site 0979). Consider walking south on Longstreet Road to Fairbanks Marsh, or continue east another 60 yards to a sign and parking area on the right (south) side of the road (Site 1305). Park here. Walk through a narrow gate (gap in the fence) and continue southeast for less than 1 minute to the spring pool (Site 0696). |

Pupfish and crawdad in Fairbanks Spring |
The refuge is day-use only: open sunrise to sunset.
None. |

Fairbanks marsh (view NE) |
Fairbanks Spring is a good place to see desert species when they come in for water. Check the trees and shrubs for House Finches, White-crowned and Chipping sparrows, Yellow-rumped and other warblers, Chukar, Gambel's Quail, and Mourning Doves. Watch the marsh for Red-winged blackbirds and Marsh Wrens.
Fairbanks Spring is also good for finding migrants, but the species mix depends on the season, and during migration it depends on just who is moving through at the time. Review the refuge bird list for some ideas on what to expect during the time of year when you will be visiting. |