Las Vegas Bay in 2004 (view NW) |
As the lake level continues to drop, the birding along Lower Las Vegas Wash is getting poorer and poorer because so little of the lake remains visible. Only 33 Hole remains useful for birding in 2024. These pages are mostly for nostalgic purposes.
Las Vegas Wash is a place to seek refuge from the desert and watch waterfowl, herons, grebes, shorebirds, pelicans, and other birds associated with water. These are the same species found throughout the west, so visitors from beyond the desert may prefer birding in places with more desert species. If you are from the desert, however, this is a scenic area to look for waterbirds and hope to see something unusual (such as the Parasitic Jaeger and Sabine's Gulls, Black-legged Kittiwakes, and Swamp Sparrows).
There are four main areas for birding in the Las Vegas Wash area: the campground, the boat ramp (a hike), the scenic overlook, and the picnic area, as described below and on the linked pages.
Link to map. |

LV Wash Ranger Station at Lakeshore Rd (view E) |
Las Vegas Wash is located east of Las Vegas on the near shore of Lake Mead. The easiest way to get there from downtown Las Vegas is to drive south on Highway 93/95 to Lake Mead Drive. Exit the highway, and turn left onto Lake Mead Drive (Table 1, Site 0723), which becomes Lake Mead Parkway. Drive east on Lake Mead Parkway for 8.5 miles (out of town and over the hills) to the Lake Mead National Recreation Area entrance station.
Inside the Recreation Area, continue on the main road (now Lakeshore Road) for 2.1 miles to Las Vegas Bay, 2.5 miles to Las Vegas Bay Overlook, and 3.9 miles to 33-Hole Picnic Area. |

Las Vegas Wash Campground: a green oasis |
There are several places to bird in the Las Vegas Wash area, but with the lake level so low, the water and the birds are getting to be pretty far from the convenient birding spots. Conditions change, so birders might need to just search out the best place to see the lake. Until the water level comes back up (perhaps never?), be sure to bring a spotting scope.
There are two places to bird the lake from the pavement (with short walks), the campground, and one trail along the wash and lakeshore. |

Las Vegas Wash Campground |
Las Vegas Bay Campground. The campground is located on a flat-topped bluff overlooking Las Vegas Wash. The landscape is sparsely vegetated with stunted creosote bush, white bursage, and a few other shrubs. In contrast, the campground has large eucalyptus trees and oleander bushes, with several cottonwood, Russian olive, and California fan palms mixed in. The surrounding desert is almost barren, so the trees and shrubs provide the only green habitat for birds in this dry area. The campground is irrigated, and the water attracts birds and other wildlife. Las Vegas Wash, which drains the entire Las Vegas Valley, flows down the canyon on the northeast side of the bluff. Shrubs and saltcedar grow along the stream.
When the lake level was up, the end of the campground road provided a nice, elevated position for watching waterbirds in the lake. However, with the water level so low, the campground now overlooks Las Vegas Wash, and the lake is in the far distance. |

Boat Ramp Lakeshore Trail |
Boat Ramp Lakeshore Trail. The boat ramp is high, dry, and a long way from the lake edge, but the trail provides access to the edge of Las Vegas Wash. From near the end of the boat ramp, trails run southeast along the wash to where it flows into Lake Mead.
The trail provides plenty of brushy places to look for Abert's Towhee, Say's Phoebe, and winter sparrows. Birders can make their way out to the edge of the water for good views of the birds. Water levels change, so trail conditions change too. |

Las Vegas Bay Scenic Overlook (view E) |
Las Vegas Wash Scenic Overlook and Picnic Area. This picnic area is located on a flat-topped bluff that overlooks the lake and the marina from the south. The vegetation is sparse, stunted creosote bush, and the only shade is on the picnic tables. This is no longer a good place to watch birds. |

33 Hole picnic area (view north; 2004) |
33 Hole Scenic Overlook and Picnic Area. This picnic area is located on three, flat-topped bluffs overlooking the lake. The vegetation is sparse creosote bush, and the only shade is on the picnic tables. Several picnic tables provide good views out over the lake, so you can rest in the shade, eat a picnic meal, and use a spotting scope to identify birds on the water in the distance. |

Las Vegas Wash boat ramp (view E) |
Always open.
It costs $25 per vehicle to enter the Recreation Area (annual passes accepted); after that, there are no extra fees for using the area. |

Be sure to bring a spotting scope (view E) |
Historically, this is a good area to view a variety of waterbirds including ducks, Clark's, Western, and other grebes, Herring and Ring-billed Gulls, Forster's Terns, Great-blue Herons, Great Egrets, Brown Pelicans, and shorebirds. Although not the best, passerines can be seen here too. In the campground, check the trees for migrant warblers and look for residents such as Verdin, Greater Roadrunners, and Gambel's Quail. Keep an eye out for unusual species too, such as Parasitic Jaeger, Sabine's Gulls, Caspian Tern, Inca Doves, Peregrine Falcon, and Cooper's Hawk that show up during migration. Watch for Coyotes, Black-tailed Jackrabbits, White-tailed Antelope Squirrels, and Side-blotched Lizards in the area, and keep an eye out for dragonflies. |