Herb Martyr Road at entrance to SW Research Station (view SW) |

Entrance to SW Research Station (view SE from Herb Martyr Road) |

SW Research Station sign (view SW) |

Old sign at entrance to SW Research Station; sentiment is the same |

Approaching SW Research Station Gift Shop (view SE) |

Plant identification display outside the SW Research Station |

Plant identification display outside the SW Research Station |

Plant identification display outside the SW Research Station |

Scat identification display outside the SW Research Station |

Road to birding area (view SE) |

Sign on the left (view SE) |

Sign on the right; birders must walk in (view SE) |

Walking down the road towards the Office (view SE) |

Office building; birding is past the office on the left |

Birding area (view NE) |

Birding area (view NE) |

Birding area (view N; the boardwalk is out of order)

Magnificent Hummingbird on nectar feeder |

Various hummingbirds at a feeder |

Yellow-eyed Junco |